Cohort Stories: Meet Karl

vol. 5, no. 51 — guest post by Karl Louis-Philippe Motchoffo

The Hack.Diversity Movement


Something that I have worked on that I am very much proud of are my interpersonal skills. Coming from a different continent with completely different cultures alongside the language difference, it took me quite a bit of time to be able to speak the language fluently with others. At the beginning, I was a shy introvert and did not really see the need to build bonds with others. I only sought my books as “study and focus” was my motto back then. But as time went by, I realized just how communicating with others and building bonds was important. Helen Keller once stated: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”. I learnt that not only does it open up so many more opportunities in life, but it also makes you a happier person at the end of the day.

For me, to be successful in the innovation industry would not only mean making my life easier and better through my professional achievements, but also for others.

Coming from a country whose main focus does not revolve around tech improvement and coming to America, one the greatest nations as far as technology is concerned, I can say I have seen both the past and the present of the tech world. The future is fast approaching, and we are the ones responsible for moving forward with tech improvements. Looking up to the the likes of Elon Musk and all what he has done for the automobile world and what he is doing with his SpaceX project, which goes beyond the earth perimeter, motivates me even more to aim that high and hopefully, one day, have book be written about me.

What motivates me the most in doing everything I do at this point in my life are my parents. They have always been there for me and always made sure I had all of what I needed to make it out big in life. Not only am I grateful for all they have done for me, but I also look up to them a lot. Even though my mom is not professionally involved in the tech domain, she has always been a huge tech fan as long as I can remember; she would even have me come with her to some of the tech fairs that her company would be involved in.

I want to make her proud of me as I try to take her dreams upon myself and give everything I can to make them come true. I want them to watch me reach the top and I know that it must begin now.



The Hack.Diversity Movement

Hack.Diversity is on a mission to transform the economy by breaking down barriers for Black and Latine/x professionals in tech.