Cohort Stories: Meet Isabelle

NYC: vol. 2, no. 10— guest post by Maria Isabelle Bessa Machado

The Hack.Diversity Movement
2 min readFeb 11, 2024


Maria Isabelle Bessa Machado, 2024 Hack.Diversity Fellow

Starting a life from scratch in another country is a hard milestone to battle. After transitioning from nannying, and steadily establishing my foothold, I decided it was time to work towards a bigger-impact career. Coming from a small town in Brazil, it seemed impossible to create or leave a big legacy without all the support I had from family and friends when back home. But in the end, I realized that love needed to inspire me to move forward and make a better reality for myself and those coming after me. That’s why I decided to pursue technology, especially coding since it’s always been a passion of mine from the times I edited my HTML on Tumblr, and started my bootcamp in software development.

I’ve always believed education is what makes us move forward and keep improving, the more we learn, the more we want to learn and the better we want to become. Technology allows us to democratize education and bring together different backgrounds and cultures that can enhance our collective growth, freeing the knowledge boundaries that tie us. It’s this intersection of technology and education that fuels my passion. The accessibility technology gives creates a hunger for continuous learning, fostering a cycle of improvement and innovation. In the end, improving technology to democratize education is a catalyst for progress.

What motivates me is the chance to pave the way for others, just as those before me have done.

When I learned about Hack Diversity, I felt a connection because my ultimate drive is to make a difference and create a smoother journey for those who come next. I want to leave a positive mark, knowing that my efforts have contributed to a more accessible and supportive path for future generations. I want, one day, one girl from one small town to think of what she wants and know she’s not alone in getting it. I want to be that support.



The Hack.Diversity Movement

Hack.Diversity is on a mission to transform the economy by breaking down barriers for Black and Latine/x professionals in tech.