Cohort Stories: Meet Mohamed

vol. 5, no. 62 — guest post by Mohamed Mazouz

The Hack.Diversity Movement


Mohamed Mazouz, computer science student at Bunker Hill Community College & 2021 Fellow

Since my childhood, I was fascinated by computers and how they work. I bought my first machine in my first year in high school, and I was super happy about it. After getting my high school diploma in Morocco, I chose to study IT, and I got my diploma in networking and systems administration. In 2018, I got the opportunity to move here to the United States. It was a challenging decision to move from my country to a new place, but after thinking about the opportunities I could get in the U.S., I made my decision.

After spending about 6 years working in the networking field in Morocco, I realized that coding was more challenging and opens the door to more creativity.

After moving to the US., I began thinking about the ambition I had back home: becoming a software engineer. I registered for computer science classes in the college. After my first semester, I became more fascinated by the innovative industry and how it is reshaping our world and making it more connected, that is why I would love to be part of it while developing my knowledge and skills. Getting the Associate Degree is the beginning of my journey to become a software engineer, and Hack.Diversity will help me shape my way for the future.

It is very exciting to be part of Hack.Diversity, but what excites me the most is that it gives me an opportunity go a step further. I will be able to learn more about how the industry works and learn the required skills I need to start a successful career. My dream job is to be a software engineer in a mobile app development company, and eventually having my own team in the future.

For me personally, I think that Hack.Diversity is a true push forward for minorities to build a future in the tech industry. It is giving me the opportunity to learn from successful people in the field, and it also opens a world of possibilities for me while building my future career.



The Hack.Diversity Movement

Hack.Diversity is on a mission to transform the economy by breaking down barriers for Black and Latine/x professionals in tech.