Cohort Stories: Meet Yonas

Boston: vol. 8, no. 83— guest post by Yonas Mekonnen

The Hack.Diversity Movement
3 min readFeb 2, 2024


Yonas Mekonnen smiles at camera.
Yonas Mekonnen, 2024 Hack.Diversity Fellow

I am proud of my journey from Ethiopia to the USA and my determination to become an engineer. The loss of my parents at an early age put immense pressure on me, as I needed to take care of my younger siblings while I was in Ethiopia and even more after I arrived in the USA. I had to work tirelessly to support my siblings financially and ensure they could complete their college education. Meanwhile, I attended Bunker Hill Community College to pursue my dream of becoming an engineer. My life was centered around school and work, leaving no room for a social life, and I am incredibly proud of that dedication.

Despite these immense responsibilities and challenges, I managed to earn an associate’s degree with Honors.

I then successfully transferred to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of my lifelong dream colleges, to study Computer Science and Engineering. This path has been far from easy, but my unwavering persistence and belief that every challenge presents an opportunity has guided me.

Today, I enrolled at MIT, on my way to achieving my bachelor’s degree and realizing my dream.

I take immense pride in the fact that my journey can inspire underprivileged children worldwide. As a poor kid from Ethiopia, I made it to MIT, one of the most prestigious schools in the world. This accomplishment stands as a testament to the idea that anyone, regardless of their background, can achieve their dreams if they possess the proper determination and work persistently. My story encourages others not to limit their aspirations but rather to relentlessly dream big and pursue their goals. My journey represents the beginning of what I hope to accomplish. Beyond academic success, my ambition is to become a great engineer and contribute groundbreaking innovations to the world, reinforcing the belief that determination and hard work can overcome any obstacle.

My technology journey began during my childhood in Ethiopia, where resources were scarce, but curiosity was abundant. I first encountered technology through shared community devices and the occasional opportunity to explore outdated computers. These encounters sparked a deep fascination within me. My turning point came when I acquired a broken desktop computer that someone in the neighborhood had discarded. I was determined to understand it; I tirelessly experimented, took it apart, and tried to put it back together. This process ignited my passion for technology as I explored its interconnected components. Although access to the Internet was limited, I occasionally visited local Internet cafes and read books at the local library to expand my knowledge further. My curiosity and persistence led me to self-teach basic programming and explore various software applications. As my skills grew, so did my dreams, and I realized that technology could offer a path to a better future for myself and my community. This challenging yet inspiring journey from a disadvantaged background in Ethiopia to a passionate tech enthusiast reflects my determination to overcome obstacles and make the most of technology’s opportunities.

My primary motivation stems from a deep desire to impact the world and make a meaningful difference positively. I am driven by the belief that my actions, choices, and contributions can contribute to improving society and the lives of those around me. Additionally, I am motivated by personal growth and the pursuit of knowledge. I find inspiration in learning new things, tackling challenges, and constantly improving myself. The prospect of acquiring new skills, gaining expertise, and becoming the best version of myself propels me forward. Furthermore, I draw motivation from the support and encouragement of my loved ones and mentors. Their belief in my potential and their unwavering support are a constant source of inspiration to persevere through difficulties and strive for excellence.

Ultimately, my motivation is rooted in a combination of a genuine desire to make a difference, a thirst for personal growth, and the support of those who believe in me, all of which drive me to work hard, stay focused, and remain dedicated to my goals.



The Hack.Diversity Movement

Hack.Diversity is on a mission to transform the economy by breaking down barriers for Black and Latine/x professionals in tech.