It’s official: Hack.Diversity Partners for 2018 Revealed

Overview of Growth Metrics in the 2018 Program

The Hack.Diversity Movement
2 min readJan 9, 2018


On January 9, 2018, the New England Venture Capital Association (NEVCA) kicks off Hack.Diversity’s 2018 Cohort. In its second year, Hack.Diversity will serve 37 Fellows (a 130% increase from 2017) while partnering with 10 Host Companies (a 100% increase from 2017) — doubling efforts, literally, to continue the program’s momentum from 2017. Fellows will be matched into paid summer internships at Host Companies whose intention is to convert those internships into full-time offers.

The tall task of selecting 37 Fellows from an applicant pool 153% larger than that of 2017. Highlights of interesting statistics about the 2018 Cohort include:

  • Representation from 14 talent partners: Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology, Bunker Hill Community College, Boston University, Greenfield Community College, Lincoln University of Pennsylvania, Northeastern University, North Shore Community College, Northern Illinois University, Quincy College, Resilient Coders, Roxbury Community College, University of Massachusetts Amherst, University of Massachusetts Boston, and Wentworth Institute of Technology
  • 35% women and 65% men
  • 38% completing an associate’s degree, 41% completing a bachelor’s degree, 5% completing a master’s degree, 16% completing coding bootcamps
  • 81% will be experiencing their first internship in tech
  • 76% are the first in their family to receive technical training in a STEM-related field

Host Companies in the 2018 program reflect a mix of returning 2017 companies and new additions to the Hack.Diversity community:

Hack.Diversity has also established exciting new partnerships for 2018 to strengthen the training, coaching, and mentoring components for both employer and employee throughout the experience.

For Fellows, Hack.Diversity is collaborating with Startup Institute to leverage and adapt their Core Curriculum — preparing Fellows for successful internship experiences with Host Companies in the short-term, and upward career trajectory in the industry for the long-term. Additionally, Fellows seeking help on bolstering coding skills are welcome to attend the Community Office Hours of Resilient Coders, a talent partner for 2018.

For Host Companies, Hack.Diversity is collaborating with She Geeks Out and The Tech Connection to provide Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Workshops to senior staff, including Fellows’ direct managers. D&I Workshop topics will include: D&I 101, Unconscious Bias, Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Talent, Leading Inclusive Meetings, and Being an Ally.

The expansion of Hack.Diversity’s reach in 2018 would not be possible without our philanthropic partners at The Boston Foundation, Belden and Pamela Daniels,The Demond and Kia Martin Foundation and other individual and corporate donors. Nor would this program be possible without Hack.Diversity’s inaugural partners: Akamai, Carbonite, DataXu, Flybridge Capital Partners, HubSpot, Rapid7, Tech Connection,, Vertex, Wayfair and YearUp.

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The Hack.Diversity Movement

Hack.Diversity is on a mission to transform the economy by breaking down barriers for Black and Latine/x professionals in tech.