Series: Meet Our Cohort

vol.1, no. 9— Introducing JohnPaul Kambazza

The Hack.Diversity Movement
2 min readMay 16, 2017


6 internships have begun! With 10 more to start in the coming weeks, we welcome you to get to know all 16 members of our inaugural cohort. Today’s intern spotlight, JohnPaul Kambazza, has already accepted a full-time offer from Wayfair Labs. He shares why it’s the perfect fit and how he likes to re-energize after a busy day.

JohnPaul Kambazza

Computer Science Major at University of Massachusetts Boston

  • Accepted a full-time role at Wayfair Labs!
  • Current project: Developing a mobile web app to track symptoms of lupus
  • Tressed to impress: “I used to sport a huge afro hairstyle!”
JohnPaul’s got the answers during Match Day.

Let’s dive deeper…

Q: What sparked your interest in computer science?

My curiosity to understand automation and automated processes.

Q: Congratulations on your new job! How do you feel about starting?

I am eager to learn and impress. First of all, I need this job! Secondly, it perfectly matches the skills I have been learning at school. And to top it off, my commute to work is only 20 minutes. I could not have asked for a more perfect fit.

Q: Has your Hack.Diversity journey been what you expected?

I had heard of and read about about organizations like Hack.Diversity and never thought I’d ever be a candidate to participate. A guaranteed paid internship even before I graduated with the serious potential of being retained afterward? Matching me with a mentor? I never thought that this stuff would ever happen to me. There are a lot of other things happening in my life currently and this opportunity through Hack.Diversity just confirmed my suspicion that I am blessed. Someone is looking out for me. This is honestly how I feel.

Q: How do you want to change the world? How do you want to change the tech scene?

I want to be that guy that found and fixed a flaw with a popular technology.

Q: What song (or album or playlist) do you listen to while you work?

I don’t listen to music while working, but if it’s after work, I might play something (gospel/R&B/dance hall) to re-energize.

The next round of internships will start on May 22nd. Stay tuned for Thursday’s “Meet Our Cohort vol. 1, no. 10.” ICYMI, meet the interns we’ve already introduced!

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The Hack.Diversity Movement

Hack.Diversity is on a mission to transform the economy by breaking down barriers for Black and Latine/x professionals in tech.