Stoked on Meteor — Bzzz..! Incoming transmission!

Xavier Cazalot
{ Hack, Learn } = Make
3 min readJul 26, 2016

If you work with Meteor everyday, you are surely concerned about what “tomorrow” will like. Transmission is the happy path to get information about the future of Meteor with the people who build it: Meteor Development Group, MDG.

Do you know MadeByElvis? Check his work (after reading!)

Note: this article is part of a series called Stoked on Meteor, the introduction and the syllabus can be found on this article: The Goal is to Learn. Enjoy your read!

Meteor Development Group?

They are not an anonymous hacking organization

MDG is the startup behind Meteor. They are the people with the ambition to change the way you build software:

The new way of writing software should be radically simple. It should make it possible to build a prototype in a day or two, and a real production app in a few weeks. It should make everyday things easy, even when those everyday things involve hundreds of servers, millions of users, and integration with dozens of other systems. It should be built on collaboration, specialization, and division of labor, and it should be accessible to the maximum number of people.

As core builders of Meteor, they are the best placed to give us some crunchy infos about the present and the future of our favorite web technology.

Read the forums

Join active discussions

Meteor Forum is a good spot to introduce a project you’re working on, get help with something, discuss a package or particular technical topic, or propose changes to Meteor while getting to know a worldwide community of developers like you.

You can feel free to join debates actively or read announcements on what’s going on out there now, completing your opinion with reactions of others.


Easy to listen podcast

Speaking about forums and receiving fresh news from the inside, it’s seems purely legit to speak about TRANSMISSION, a weekly podcast / videolog covering the hottest topics to come out of the Meteor Forums.

Each month, Paul Dowman (formerly Ben Strahan) & Sashko Stubailo discuss in deep detail the most relevant forum posts picked by the community.

Paul is founder of OK Grow, a web agency focused on creating awesome products. Sashko is core developer at MDG. They often invite other people from MDG, like the CEO or other core devs, giving us the opportunity to understand where Meteor is heading to and to get more familiar with the upcoming future which we’ll deal with soon…

So far, they have been covering a lot of interesting subjects, like the Apollo data stack or the distant future of Meteor, all that with an easy-to-listen solution!

You can find them on the podcast site or on their Youtube channel.

And finally, if this was useful, please tap the 💚 button below. Thanks!

I’m Xavier, a happy fellow working everyday with MeteorJS as a consultant software engineer.

I want to spread the word that working with this techno is awesome and that you should get your hands on it!

You can find me on Twitter: @xav_cz

