A collection to add Medium bugs and issues

Similar to the “Medium Ideas” collection

Kirill Shikhanov
Hack Medium


It would be much easier for users to report bugs and technical issues by writing a post and adding it to a Medium’s collection, i.e. “Bugs and issues”.

Just like one suggests ideas to “Medium Ideas” to tell how Medium could be better.

The idea

The algorithm is as easy as pie.

  1. Medium (or anyone from the development side, or even Ev by himself) creates a collection.
  2. If something is broken on Medium or does not work as planned a user creates a post describing it and adds it to this collection.
  3. The collection editor accepts the post.
  4. The collection editor suggests a further reading if there was a similar bug or it was already discussed (or just obsolete). The most common example would be a post from the Medium Help Center.
  5. The collection editor leaves a comment as it is way more comfortable to discuss via Medium than via emails.

Main advantages

Other users will be able to read what was suggested before, so:

  1. The support team will have less emails with similar issues.
  2. Issues could be solved with a help of other users.
  3. The more recommendations the article will have the more critical the issue is.

And the third item could be a real-time indicator that there’s something to be hotfixed.

Please let me know what you think of this idea.

