What is “Hack with GitHub” ?

Chandrapal Badshah
Hack with GitHub
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2017


There are so many security related scripts, tools and projects on GitHub. Many are being developed and released every now and then.

Is there anyone who shouts out the latest security tools on GitHub ?

Is there anyone / any organization which shares how-tos and manuals for using the tools ?

If these were your questions, then you have reached the right place.

Hack with GitHub is an initiative to showcase different Open Source tools used in security which includes topics like offensive and defensive hacking, malware analysis, exploits, payloads, reverse engineering, and much more.

Hack with GitHub — an initiative to showcase latest Open Source security tools on GitHub

This Medium blog completely deals with Open Source Security Tools present in Github.


Security is a very big domain which contains a lot of automated tools to check the security of various products ranging from web apps to hardness of Operating System.

But the biggest drawback of some tools is their price. Most people use/try to download pirated versions of Security tools (whose source code may sometime be recompiled with a backdoor/virus). 60% of the time, you will end up downloading an adware or a third party software instead of the required tool.

Instead of going through a large process of searching a cracked pentest tool, you could collect a bunch of open source tools, link them, alter the code to make some changes according to your requirements and then use them.

The advantages of open source tools are:

  • Open source tools are typically created as a collaborative effort in which programmers improve upon the code and share the changes within the community
  • It is usually available at no charge under a license defined by the Open Source Initiative
  • Open source tools may be viable alternatives to popular closed-source applications
  • Some open source tools offers features or performance benefits that surpass their commercial counterparts
  • One can also gain knowledge in programming

What ?

This blog is meant for publishing how-tos, details and working of free and open source tools found in GitHub.

How to contribute ?

You could contribute by writing articles for us or by sending a mail to hackwithgithub [at] gmail [dot] com, suggesting the latest releases of your favorite security tools.

Some of our top highlighted tweets:

Windows Exploits
AntiVirus Evasion Tool

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Chandrapal Badshah
Hack with GitHub

Security monk ! On the way to attain nirvana in security !