HackDuke’s Admissions Process
As Michelle pointed out in the Scaling Down article, we are scaling down from 800 to 500 this year. How are we doing it though? We thought it was important to be transparent with the process, because we want you to come to code for good. We want to know why you want to code for good. We care about you, who is ready to use technology for social good, and we want to help you achieve those goals.
The application is asking you to tell us why you want to code for good. This year, all members of the HackDuke organizing committee will read through all the applications and the answers. We want to know why coding for good is important to you and what issues you believe that technology could solve.
For the 250 out-of-state hackers, we are providing travel aids. The schools that we will send buses to will be chosen by the number of hackers accepted from the school, not by the number of hackers applied from the school. Travel reimbursements are for those who come from schools that we are not able to provide a bus for. Deadline for out-of-state is October 15th, 2016.
For the 250 in-state hackers, we are providing parking passes for those of you who are driving to our event. One big change that we have this year is that we are being selective to Duke students as well. Being selective for Duke students was probably one of the harshest decisions we made this year but we agreed that we want HackDuke: Code for Good to be a hackathon where we really code for good. Deadline for in-state is November 6th, 2016.
We were once known as “the best hackathon for first-time hackers” and we want to prove that we still are. ~50 spots from each out-of-state and in-state will be reserved for beginner hackers. We are humbled by their courage to step up, we are impressed by their passion for social good, and we are honored that they have chose us to be their first hackathon.
As a hackathon where diversity is praised and social good is emphasized, we want you to feel safe, innovative, creative, empowered, supported, and protected. We will also be tightening up security this year and make sure that the hackers are accommodated appropriately. Emergency situation team will also be situated at different locations during the hackathon to address whatever need you may have throughout HackDuke: Code For Good.
This 24 hours is for people who are passionate about technology. This 24 hours is for people who wants to give back to our community. This 24 hours is for people to utilize the intersection between technology and social good, and make something that can be used to improve our society. With the passion that the current organizing team has, we are ready to make this happen. And with your passion for social good, we are ready to make this the best HackDuke: Code For Good yet.
Please feel free to reach out to us if you have questions about our admissions process. We are excited to read your applications — Apply now!