
Jason Washburn: Vinyl

Designer Interview

Beth Klaser
Hacked Tabletop


What is your name?
Jason Washburn

Where are you located in the world?
Surprise, AZ

How long have you been designing tabletop games?
Most of my life, though more serious games about 10 years

What game(s) are you currently working on?
We have Vinyl on Kickstarter now. I have a Viking games in the works and a dragon racing game

Have you designed any games that have been published?
Kings Champion, Kingpins, Hooch technically has 35 copies that I produced, though the Kickstarter did not make it. I have also completed art for a few games and help develop a few games.

What do you do for a living outside of game design?
I work in Law Enforcement .

What type of games do you prefer to play?
Heavy games are my favorite.

What is the name of your favorite game store?
There is only one store near me the Imperial Outpost.

What is (currently) your favorite game? Least favorite?
Right now, I am enjoying Rising Sun and Rajas of The Ganges.

Is your game design different than the type of games you enjoy playing? How?
Sometimes it is but I am a theme based designer. I like to start with theme and then put mechanics to the theme. Though I feel I am best as a developer rather then a designer.

Do you like to work alone or as a team?
I enjoy working on a team.

What does your playtest process look like?
Oh the play test cycle can be a cruel mistress. It is tough. Sometimes I do it in a digital space and sometimes in person. Just really depends on what kind of game it is. But for me to this point each game has been a different process.

What do you feel is your biggest challenge as a game designer?
Mechanics that fit together.

What do you wish someone had told you about game design?
Do not be afraid to fail a lot.

Do you have any advice you’d like to share with budding designers?
Do not be afraid to fail a lot.

Anything else you’d like to tell our readers?
Continue to support new designs and do not be afraid to try new games. Kickstarter can be a great way to engage with new games and new designers. Thank you for taking a few minutes to talk with me about games!!!

Check it out on Kickstarter!

