The Matrix Reimagined

Jessica Parhusip, Anthony Cheng, Wesley Wu

David Mace
Hacker Life


What are you building?

“Facebook bought Oculus for it to be the next social media outlet. We’re making a program where people can enter onto a server through virtual reality and interact with people in a common space online. It’s just like the Matrix.”

Is this your first hackthon?

“Yes. I heard about HackUCI because I’m a member of WICS so a lot of my friends were excited about the hackahton. It’s nice because it’s just like we’re all hanging out. It’s not like oh we need to get everything done right now.”

Hackathon expectations vs reality?

“This is much better than I would have thought. The food is sooo good. I loved the boba. It’s really fun.”

Advice for girls interested in hackathons?

“Don’t think that all guys don’t want you here. A lot of guys are really happy that more girls come to hackathons. Everyone wants to be with each other. It’s not just like it’s a bunch of guys. It’s different. It’s comfortable.”

First experience with CS?

“My first exposure was with highschool AP computer science. Just taking a programming class was the first step and now it’s become a pretty big part of my life.”

How do hackathons differ from school?

“You learn more at a hackthon but it’s more strenuous. I really prefer a hackathon over classes. One of my classes I’m taking right now feels like bullshit, and hackathons feel more free and open-ended. Hackathons are a lot more fun. I can build whatever I want.”

What’s your favorite hackathon tactic to keep comfy?

Shoving free hackathon tshirts up the sleeves of my sweatshirt.

