Artistic impression of what the zoo visit may look like :)

Visit the Zoo with Mark Earls (5th July, 2pm — 5pm)

Creative Social
Creative Super Powers
3 min readDec 15, 2016


Ever fancied visiting the zoo with a behavioural expert? Well now is your chance.

We are currently crowdfunding our 3rd book on Unbound, it’s called Creative Super Powers and it’s about unlocking many of the key traits lost during childhood (such a fearlessness and curiosity) as well as unlocking new powers to help you solve your biggest business problems. We’ll uncover the four biggest super powers: hacking, making, teaching and thieving. To do so we’ve pulled together a group of our creative Superheroes to curate each section and we could not think of anyone more qualified to head up the area of thief than Mark Earls.

For those of you that don’t know Mark he is a behavioural expert and creator of HERD. His latest book Copy Copy Copy deep dives into behaviour change innovation through copying. And now you have the chance to take a trip to the zoo with him and spend an afternoon sharpening your thieving super powers. All you need to do is head over to our Unbound page HERE and select the Visit the Zoo pledge, but you best hurry as we’re down the final few available (Use COPYCOPYCOPY for £30 off).

We caught up with Mark to ask a few questions:

What can people expect to experience if they pledge a ‘Visit The Zoo’ package?

We spend at least half a day at the zoo, visit most of the cool stuff — gorillas, lions, meerkats, otters, aquarium and of course watch the penguins get fed. We’ll explore how the animals behave, how they learn from each other (and the difference between what we think’s going on and what the science says). And we’ll watch the people watching the animals and the people watching the people watching the animals (which will help apply some of the stuff we’ve learned from watching the animals).

Who are your creative super heroes and why?

My creative superheroes are all people who are unashamed copycats. Bowie — “the only art I’m interested in is that art I can steal”, Elvis, Matisse, Picasso, Newton, Einstein, Lee Scratch Perry and (no relation) Grayson Perry.

Why is thieving such an important super power in an age of creativity?

We often imagine that having the idea is the important bit. Wrong — much of the time, ideas are remakes of something that already exists, just re-contextualised, reworked, reimagined, re-whatever. The economist Joseph Schumpeter highlighted the importance not of having the idea but in doing something with ideas — turning them into something that people could touch, feel and buy. Why put all that pressure on yourself when — as Grayson Perry puts it — there’s some much stuff out there lying around waiting to be used?

When is it?

The session will be running from 2pm — 5pm at London Zoo on Wednesday 5th July.

Buy your ticket to the zoo HERE. Use COPYCOPYCOPY for £30 off.



Creative Social
Creative Super Powers

We accelerate creative thinking through events, curation, new collaborations, brand projects and workshops.