Install DWM with Ubuntu

Miguel Sampaio da Veiga
Hacker Toolbelt
Published in
6 min readJul 3, 2019


Ubuntu is one of the most used Linux distros in the world. In fact, most devices connected to the Internet are linux and the majority of servers are running some version of Ubuntu.

Desktop Ubuntu comes with a custom Gnome theme. The installation is as easy as possible and a regular user should be able to get it up and running without a hiccup. But sometimes the standard way is the boring way. Or maybe you wanna try the fabulous piece of software you read about. Or maybe you just want it to be a different Desktop Environment or different Window Manager.

It’s also possible to make a default install and then add/remove software to obtain a customized Ubuntu. The problem with this strategy is the amount of packages and dependencies. To really obtain a clean and lightweight system it’s best to just install the basics and add up.

Get the Ubuntu ISO

For a lightweight install you have to get the mini ISO (get it here) in the alternative downloads page.

After getting it make a bootable USB disk (Windows, linux). Put it in you PC and boot.

Ubuntu install

When booting you PC you’ll be greeted by the installer menu.

