Install i3wm with Arch Linux

Miguel Sampaio da Veiga
Hacker Toolbelt
Published in
9 min readAug 2, 2019


Recently I’ve written about i3wm with Debian Buster. I still keep a computer with Debian and i3 at home. But recently I was given a new laptop and decided to change distro. My first thought was to give Clear Linux a spin, Intel’s Linux distro optimized for their processors. But after trying it I lost interest. Apart from their tweaks, Clear Linux is just another distro (don’t get me wrong, I find it important that the biggest chip maker takes Linux seriously). Truth is I wanted something a little more challenging than a simple click and wait distro install.

So, after some consideration I decided it was time to get back to Arch but with a twist. Since I’m going to use this laptop for work I’ll need it to be secure, hence the disk encryption, specifically, the root partition which will contain all the system except for the /boot mount point.

Boot Arch ISO

Booting the ISO will get us to one of these two images:

Arch Linux Boot menu for UEFI/BIOS


