My SysInternals PsTools Cheat Sheet

Miguel Sampaio da Veiga
Hacker Toolbelt
Published in
1 min readApr 16, 2019


Execute command in remote computer

psexec \\computername -u User -p Password command

Execute command ‘netstat -an’ in remote and output result in local computer

psexec \\computername netstat -an > c:\file.txt

Execute command in remote and output result in remote

psexec \\computername cmd /c netstat -an ^>c:\file.txt

Execute program to interact with user

psexec \\computername -d -i notepad

Run remote shell

psexec \\computername cmd


Force immediate shutdown remote computer

psshutdown \\computername -s -f -t 0

Force immediate reboot remote computer

psshutdown \\computername -r -f -t 0


Show opened files over the network in remote computer

psfile \\computername

Force close file

psfile \\computername <path> -c


View logged on and remotely connected users

psloggedon \\computername


Kill process or tree

pskill \\computername <PID>

Still available but obsolete see


Obtain information about remote computer (requires Remote Registry Service)

psinfo \\computername -d -h -s


List processes in remote (requires Remote Registry Service)

pslist \\remotecomputer


Start Remote Registry Service on remote computer

psservice \\computername start RemoteRegistry

Updated Tools

Some of these tools have been design for Windows XP and later versions of windows have a similar or more powerfull new tool. Check the following article:

