Recon-NG How-To III

Miguel Sampaio da Veiga
Hacker Toolbelt
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2019

Let’s see what we’ve gathered so far. Type ‘show dashboard’ in the console.

We have information about hosts. Let’s dig deeper

Mail Exchange and Sender Polivy Framework Retriever

> use recon/domains-hosts/mx_spf_ip

And we should get some more IP to our hosts table

DNS Hostname Brute Forcer

This module uses a wordlist to brute force check the existence of hosts through DNS.

> use recon/domains-hosts/brute_hosts

HackerTarget API

The Hackertarget module uses their API to return information. I advise its use

> use recon/domains-hosts/hackertarget


We have domains, hosts, ip, locations. Lets get some contacts with the help of the following modules.


> use recon/domains-contacts/whois_poc


> use recon/domains-contacts/pgp_search


Again, we’ll need to obtain an API. Go to fullcontact and register.

> use recon /contacts-profiles/fullcontact

Further reconnaissance

Interesting Files

This module tests for the existence of predictable files on hosts.

> use discovery//interesting_files


Another module that need an API Key.

> use recon/domains-host/builtwith

XSSposed and XSSed

Two modules for checking XSS records associated with a domain.

> use recon/domains-vulnarabilites/xssposed

> use recon/domains-vulnarabilites/xssed


Everything we’ve done so far has been gathered into Recon-NG DB. It’s now time to take all that information and create a report. Reports are an essential part of pentesting. A good report includes as much info as possible.

> show modules reporting

> use reporting/html

> show info

But first we’ll set the ‘creator’ and ‘customer’ option.

> set CREATOR ‘your_name’

> set CUSTOMER Medium

> run

Other Reconnaissance Tools

You can view more articles about other reconnaissance tools here.

