Why you must be a hiring partner at HackerBay University.

How we fill your recruitment pipeline with high quality potential hires for any tech role in your business.

Kumar Abhishek
HackerBay University
5 min readMay 21, 2018


Over the years we have realised that recruiting is a tedious job and getting the “right” talent pool for your startup or enterprise isn’t easy.

In order to recruit the best developers across the globe for HackerBay and our other products that we created over the years such as CloudBoost and Fyipe, we have never stopped experimenting with the recruitment process and always aim to get it just right.

The biggest problem that we faced over the years is that though developers who graduated had good grades on paper, they suffer largely when it comes to delivering quality code and performing to the standards they are expected to be. There is a big gap that still remains even after a tech education background that takes a lot of months and even years to fill if not done right.

University education does not give you real-world skills that companies are looking for to build, maintain and scale software.

HackerBay University was started with an intention of filling up this existing gap between university education and the real startup and enterprise requirements. We wanted to solve this problem for ourselves as well as others who have experienced hiring bad quality devs without skills in the past.

So why be our hiring partner?

Let me tell you this — we aren’t a typical coding bootcamp nor are we a recruitment agency. We are a leading Enterprise Software company which has built world class products being used by thousands of businesses across the globe. We’ve faced exactly the same problems in recruiting that you face today and we’re working on ways to fix the recruitment pipeline for ourselves and for partners like you.

So, here’s what you get:

Access to the top quality talent without any hustle

We work with developers around the world and work with them on industry leading open source projects, help them work on real world problems and ship real code. We do this at scale, and we can always have your recruitment pipeline filled with high quality potential hires all the time.

We train them on the most cutting edge technologies of the world

One of the biggest shortfalls of using conventional methods of education is it does not let devs work on technologies that are needed today to build high quality scalable software. We being an enterprise software company, work on tech that is most robust and up to date and help thousands of business achieve their digital goals.

The developers who are a part of HackerBay University are trained on stack like NodeJS, ReactJS, AWS, MongoDB, Kubernetes, Docker, Travis CI, Javascript, Git and more.

They not only know intricacies of software development but also learn the tricks of the trade from being mentored by product leads at HackerBay.

Save thousands of dollars and precious time training your employees in house when not needed

One of the biggest problems that businesses face today is though they try their best to get the best talent possible, they end up spending thousands of dollars and hundreds if not thousands of hours training them to be fit enough for the job.

This act doesn’t make a lot of business sense if thought off in an unbiased fashion. You pay recruiters to get you talent, spend a lot more in training them and end up wasting all of it when the employee decides that they don’t want to stay with your firm any longer. How is this deal even a bit profitable to your business?

Why should you be the one to pay for the training (if it isn’t needed) of employees for whom you have already paid a hefty sum to the recruitment firm? The developers you get here are already trained in the stack you want and ready to start performing from the first day itself. Choosing to train them further would just be an additional sweetener but otherwise be unnecessary.

We find the right talent for you so that your pipeline is full even before you reach your office.

Working with recruitment firms can be a tiring experience. We know because we had been using their services ourselves for a really long time.

The process of recruitment is extremely inefficient to say the least and we hence we suffered a lot with the wrong talent match on board. It took a lot of precious productive working hours off our calendar which we most often than not wasted on interviewing people who ended up turning not at all fit for the profile or the firm.

We often wished we could have someone take care of all of this grunt work for us. Someone who could actually understand our pain points best. The program has added high quality devs to the team and helped us scale to over 10,000 businesses around the world — Shubham Aggarwal, CTO — CloudBoost.

When you are a partner, we take care of your priorities and your win is our win. Just let us know and we will fill up your recruitment pipeline with the best quality talent catered to your requirements before you even reach your office the next day.

We don’t teach them to code. We teach them to learn to code on their own

Tech is an ever changing field. We don’t want your employees to become outdated after a few years. Hence, we don’t teach them to code. We teach them to learn how to learn to code so that they don’t need any more support. Internet is the best resource to learn to build software. We point them to right resources and mentor them.

Real clients, real projects, real delivery

Our program is different from typical coding bootcamps. The participants learn to code but in the same way that a developer does in extremely fast renowned companies like Microsoft, Amazon, facebook etc.

They work in an environment that replicates the real environment where developers work on real projects, for real clients, talk to customer, do customer support, fix bugs, deliver real shippable code and have team meetings and stand ups everyday.

We believe working on real projects is the best way to learn in tech.

We can even manage them for you.

Let’s say you are a company in the US and you find a developer from India or Nepal or Sri Lanka to be a great fit for your company in terms of profile and compensation but since the developer isn’t physically present at your office you find it really hard to trust if the remote culture will work for you, we manage it all for you from project delivery to standups, weekly updates to billing and every legal aspect.

We have been already doing it successfully for hundreds of clients worldwide for our own tech.

Pay nothing till you find the right one

The primary purpose of this program is to bring about a change and benefit a lot of tech businesses and developers alike and hence we don’t charge you a dime till you find the right match.

What’s next?

Talk to us on hello [at] hackerbayuniversity.com, tell us your requirements and we take it from there.

