Programming is like a Puzzle!

Bhavani Potdar
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2020

Hey! I’m Bhavani, and I’m a grade 9 student at Glamorgan TLC in Calgary, Alberta. During my free time, I usually read books, watch Netflix, code, or learn something new related to technology! I have recently started reading “I Am Malala” and I think it’s a great book. One of my all-time favourite books is Harry Potter, and I’m in the Ravenclaw house. I still have a list of many more amazing books to read and I hope that the library will open soon!

But staying more on-topic, I love coding and tech! I first started coding when I was in Grade 3, and discovered HTML and CSS in a summer camp. I continued to develop a passion for computer science as the years progressed, and here I am today, as a girl who can code in multiple languages! Technology and Computer Science are an important part of my life as they provide me with the opportunity to create a positive change in the world, and help solve important issues.

Moreover, I feel that programming is just so fun and intriguing! With debugging, problem-solving, and creating, programming is like a puzzle where you would have to fit pieces, one by one!

Here is an example of something I coded a few days ago! It is a guessing game built in python, which will give you hints until you guess the secret word, like a modified game of Hangman!

I am very thankful that my journey through tech has been quite a smooth one. Being surrounded by family members in a STEM environment, tech just came to me naturally. I always had my parents and my brother support me when it came to STEM, and they were just amazing! But, I never found the same support, passion, or interest in STEM in my peers. Now reflecting on those moments, I realize that my peers have never had the opportunity to explore the world of STEM, themselves.

Hackergal is an amazing program that truly motivates young women to explore coding. When I first heard about Hackergal, I was immediately intrigued and attended as many events as possible. That’s what inspired me to get more involved!

By joining the Hackergal’s Ambassador Program, I hope to inspire other girls to truly explore the possibilities of coding and technology and raise awareness of the power of technology in my own community. It is crucial for girls to be exposed to code in a supportive environment with peers! By simply creating this change, we can truly inspire more female leaders in the tech industry to thrive in an environment that fosters growth and exploration. I sincerely hope that I can empower the next generation and make a difference by being an inspiration to younger females.

Just before I sign off, my advice to other girls would be to follow your aspirations, and just seize the opportunity (“Carpe Diem!”)!

Don’t let anything stop you from achieving your dreams, everyone and anyone have the power to achieve what they want to do. You can do this!

“Doubts kill more dreams, then failure ever will.” — Suzy Kassem, an American author, filmmaker, philosopher, cultural critic, essayist, and poet of Egyptian descent.

