Before installing Ubuntu on XPS

Jayamine Alupotha
Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2020

Pre-BIOS settings to install Ubuntu on DELL XPS

I recently brought an XPS 2in1 laptop, which comes with Windows 10. But as a regular Ubuntu user, I wanted to install Ubuntu alongside Windows. During the process, I faced two problems with Intel Rapid Storage Technology (RST) and BitLocker Encryption. So, I had to change BIOS setup and go back and forth between the Windows and Ubuntu installers. It was cumbersome.
(I apologize for the poor quality of the pictures.)

So, I am going to explain what to do before installing Ubuntu on XPS.

Step 0— Create a free partition and Ubuntu USB installer

First, I assume you have a USB with burned Ubuntu and a free disk partition. Note that we are going to disable Windows temporarily, so create the USB and free space before starting the following steps.

Turn off RST and Turn of Bitlocker

Step 1 — Turn off BitLocker Encryption in Windows 10

You can go to “Setting>Updates and Security>Device encryption”

From :

What we are turning off is device encryption. Still you can encrypt your hard-disk partitions with BitLocker.

Step 2 — Go to BIOS setup and change to SATA mode.

Then restart the machine while tapping the F12 button. It will open Boot Settings for you. With XPS, you will not see the familiar command-line BIOS Setup but the graphical interface. Then click on BIOS setup.

In the BIOS setup, go to system configurations. When you scroll down, you will see configurations for SATA. If it has enabled “RAID”, change settings to “AHCI”.

Make sure you save settings and apply them. Once you have changed the SATA mode to AHDI, Windows will not work until you change it back to RAID mode.

Step 3 — Install Ubuntu

Now, it is time to plug the USB. Restart the machine while tapping the F12 key.

Now, your USB should be shown in the left bottom corner of BIOS setting,

Click on the USB name and wait. It will take a few minutes. Then It will turn on your Ubuntu system on USB. Now you are ready to install.

Once the installation is complete, restart the machine you will see your new Ubuntu 20.04.

