Story 1: Because I never existed (Mother daughter relationship)

Rohit Sharma
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2019

A girl (AKA Zenny) in the city, getting away from home, towards her next challenge.

Zenny was full of life, always looking forward to cracking every opportunity. She was ambitious, she was beautiful and she was an orphan.

She always used to feel proud of her mom but the day she got to know that she is not her mother, she was angry and was feeling deceived by her own mom.

She was shivering to face her but also wanted to know why her mom hid the truth.

She came home angrily but couldn’t confront her mom. So she thought of a plan and left a note in the middle of her mother’s daily book, Asking about any truth that her mother wants her to know.

The next morning Zenny left early to her NGO where she used to work for old age people as always motivated by her mother.

A few hours later, her mom started reading the book and found the note inside it. The moment she read it, she recalled everything that she did not want to tell Zenny ever.

She was a little nervous but she always knew in the back of her head that she had to face this someday or the other.

So she wrote something on it and placed the note again in the middle of the book.

Zenny came back excited from office and wanted to check the note. But her mother asked to have dinner first.

Both of them had the most delicious dinner till date and Zenny could not guess if she had read the note or not.

Then Zenny went to the reading room and checked the book.

The book had the same note inside and there was something written on the other side

It read,

Because I never existed.

She got more confused and now a little worried too.

This time she took the note in her hand and went straight to her mother.

Zenny was looking into her eyes with the question and then her mother told her,

You are not my daughter because I always assumed you as my life.
I didn’t give birth to you because I was not accepted in the society.
I didn’t tell the truth because I have a habit to hide my identity.
I found you smiling (you were about 1 month, wrapped in a towel) on a bench in the park, where I was crying for being discarded by the society.

I was alone too so I decided to live my discarded life for you.

I turned the face of my discarded life to a cheerful small and beautiful life i.e you.

From dark to light,

From being alone to togetherness,

From an 18, girl (transgender) to a woman, mother.

I do not have any right on you, you are free to leave me.

But I just know one thing that you were the only one on the planet who didn’t ask the identity of a transgender girl.

I love you.

This is the only truth of my life.

#socialimpact #respectforeveryone #righttoeveryone #letsmaketheworldabetterplaceforeveryone

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Rohit Sharma

Author at ReaderLeader | Engineering leader at Amazon Go | 10+ years if industry experience