“Are they willing to pay for it?” What Apple did with the Pro Stand was actually ingenious.

Avi Gupta
Published in
3 min readJun 30, 2019

On June 3, 2019, the announcement for the Apple Pro Stand to accompany Apple’s Pro Display XDR came out. When we found out the price, we were all shocked. Even Apple fans were angry about it.

Courtesy of Junkee.

The stand soon became the butt of all internet memes, apparently.

Courtesy of KnowYourMeme.

I would take the gaming set. Like, my mac is laggy when it comes to Fortnite, so I NEED that. Like, a LOT.s

Courtesy of MEME.

(I would go for the vbucks.)

So my dad and I were talking about this in the car one day, and my dad said that what apple did was SMART.

Now, why is this so?

Well, let’s say that you produce a stand that costs $400 to make and you want to sell it for $500. That’s a $100 profit right there.

But then you start to wonder: “Is the market willing to pay more for it?”
Are they?

So you raise the price to $600-a $200 profit right there. Cool. You then raise the price to $700-a $300 profit right there. $800-$400 profit. You realize that people will buy it, because they are willing to pay for it. If there is a stand that costs $700 and is slightly lower quality than your stand, then people will pay the $100 extra for the better quality.

That’s why they did that.

And it’s not like individuals are going to buy it. Corporate companies, such as Google, Microsoft, or Walmart, will buy it in multiple stacks. They have a budget, and they know that Apple’s products are top-notch. They WILL pay for it. Even if they have to spend a few hundred more dollars.

Apple knows who buys from them. Especially the corporate companies.

This is just meant as a joke, only a joke, and nothing BUT a joke. Please don’t be mad at me Google.

Depending on the budget that the company has, they would buy those. Apple would make a lot of money, and the company would have state-of-the-art tech, helping them succeed in terms of getting the job done faster.

And the stand really is worth it. CNC mill-crafted weighted recycled aluminum right there. Would cost to be a lot of money to make that.

But, if we look at the memes one more time…

Courtesy of KnowYourMeme.

that would be enough to convince me to buy the stand. (I mean, seriously, who would want to buy 455 cans of baked beans? I mean, some people would, but not me, not in a million years. I have beans almost every night for dinner — you know what? Let’s end it here.)



Avi Gupta

Named after the first 2 games I got on my xBox, Forza and Minecraft. Also, i have a blog. Real name is Avi.