Every Science Fiction ever

Avi Gupta
Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2022

The concept behind science fiction is quite simple — tell a story using hypothetical possibilities in science as a plot device. While it may seem complex, we can easily split up just about every single science fiction work into simple-to-understand plots.

It should be noted that guy, in all usages, is a gender-neutral term. Although the preponderance of male protagonists in Sci-fi continues.

Plot 1: Big tech gone wrong!

People: [New technology] is amazing and will change countless of lives for the better!

Random guy: But can’t [New technology] do bad things?

People: Shut up, Random guy!


New technology: does bad thing

CEO: Oh no! I can’t believe we didn’t see this coming! Runs away

Random guy: don’t worry, I can fix it!

New technology (In computerized voice): not so fast! Fights back

Random guy: uses exploit in New technology to kill it off


The CEO is then imprisoned for forcefully promoting a dangerous technology, and Random Guy is now a hero! (Random guy could also be imprisoned for breaking DMCA!) Society moves on!!!

Plot 2: Omg aliens

Kid: ugh life is so boring

Military: continues to exist

UFO: lands

Military Leader: oh wow those guys are evil we should fight hem

Aliens in UFO: fight back

Kid: befriends Aliens in UFO

Aliens (In alien language): Thanks for being our friend :D

Military: Oh we missed one :)

Kid: Stop! Alien is friendly as long as you don-

Military: Shut up you stupid kid! Military proceeds to almost get obliterated by aliens due to alien’s weird tech, and the president of the USA gets involved somehow. It has to be the president of the USA, as UFOs only land in the USA.

Kid: Reasons with aliens not to kill humans and go home. *sniff* goodbye, alien friend

Alien: Goodbye ;-; *sinff*

Military Leader is then discontinued from service, and kid is seen as a hero.

Plot 3: Forced Utopia/Class separation

Person/people in power <PiP>: Everyone is happy in this amazing society! :D

Random guy: Hey! I’m not happy! And if I’m not happy, Other people probably aren’t! I should do something about it!

PiP (Behind people’s back): Hey! Random guy is not happy! Random guy is a plague to our society and definitely not a result of our corrupt/coercing systems in place! It also can’t be because of the human want for more than what is given, which we have definitely not been stopping by killing the people who want more! Kill Random Guy!

Random guy: does epic random guy stuff, such as exposing the systems and person/people in power. Oh yeah, and he also does the wanting of more

PiP (Behind people’s back): Oh no! (To people) Stop that guy! Random guy is a plague to our society!

Society: um actually Random Guy makes some good points lol

PiP: Oh crap leaves

Society: Huh this feels kinda nice actually.

Plot 4: Adventure time

Main guy 1: Hop on this Sci-fi means of travel!

Main guy 2: Why?

Main guy 1: Because we have to (choose 1):

  • Escape evil force
  • Change time
  • Do it for the funny

Main guy 2: Ok

The main guys proceed to do epic main guy stuff, while connecting to a main plot via the Sci-fi means of travel.

Main guy 1: Wow that was fun

Main guy 2: Sure was

Main guy 3: wait why am I here in the first place?

Plot 5: You didn’t listen, did you

Random guy: hey, listen! Something bad is about to happen!

Government + people: lol no

Bad thing: happens and changes many lives for the worse

Government + people: well crap

…And that’s it!

Check out my main blog, https://medium.com/@savim2020, for more stuff.

Bye :D



Avi Gupta

Named after the first 2 games I got on my xBox, Forza and Minecraft. Also, i have a blog. Real name is Avi.