Indoor rocket launch, 2016. What could go wrong

Quick post about this Hackerloop adventure: why it exists, what it’s about… We tried to keep it short, you’re welcome to comment here or come discuss on our group :) Thanks for reading!

It’s hard to keep learning

When you’re a kid, learning new things leads to creating cool things.

Then you grow up, and learning gets boring.

The spark is still here, but you don’t create anymore. There’s a right way to do things, and it’s not funny. Ideas are projects that you have to manage, time cannot be wasted, and you struggle to start learning again.

The important ideas, the ones that make you smile and laugh, seem out of reach: lack of time, lack of knowledge, lack of creative space. So when you have ideas, you think:

“How the fuck do I even get started with this”
“Is this tutorial for real?”
“I should ask someone.”

It sucks to feel like this. And you’re not alone.

So with a group of friends, we decided to get together and start having fun again.

Any enthusiastic idea is a good idea

The plan is simple: we’ll do anything, if one of us is enthusiastic enough. We value the creation process as much as the finished product.

We love failed attempts, lame ideas, things that won’t work, because they’re the proof that our inner child is still kicking.

Armed with this strong belief, we hacked Instagram, built a graffiti drone, and took Nerf freestyling to a whole new level. Currently, we’re building a bionic Nerf gun

Value through craziness

We’re serious about this. Hardware projects are… hard, and require expertise, but our expertise is only as valuable as our ability to go beyond limitations.

We will find weird solutions, change course, upgrade and downgrade until the finished product is something that makes absolute sense.

When working with clients, our priority is to reconcile expertise and imagination. We want to earn money for what we’re good at: turning crazy ideas into fantastic products.

The best example for this is probably is our collaboration with Ubisoft and Buzzman: when they looked for people that would help them make a VR headset that farts, they came to us.

Also, everybody is welcome!

We have a lot to share, and an infinity to learn. Come as you are, or just ask us. We can show you the right way to a solution.

To learn and create like kids.

Start learning and having fun again. Share your ideas, ask questions, or just make new friends on our Facebook group. We’ll be happy to help :)

See you around!

