10 Cryptocurrencies with Good Potential in the Future

A list of 10 undervalued cryptocurrencies with game changing potential



I have added a Summary/TL;DR to the end of this story but I recommend reading the story in full to gain a more complete understanding of the cryptocurrencies mentioned.

A market moving towards recovery

While some believe that the cryptocurrency market is beginning to show signs of stabilisation, it’s no secret that the market has been in decline for the better part of 2018.

Of course, the declining market cap of the cryptocurrency industry often results in one of two reactions, painful loss or optimistic opportunity.

As you can see, the entire cryptocurrency market saw a huge decline throughout 2018 and into 2019.

As you can see from the chart above, as we enter in 2019, the market seems to be edging into a steady recovery.

I can see a slow recovery into 2020 with some altcoins making huge gains.

10 Undervalued Cryptocurrencies

If you’re interested in finding undervalued cryptocurrencies with great potential, we’ll go through ten of them here.

These digital currencies have all suffered significant losses since seeing all-time highs, allowing us to buy in at a cheaper price.

All the coins we’ll look at have great leaders and teams, offer specific solutions to real problems, and could see promising investment returns in the future.

Bear in mind that in no way am I offering or soliciting financial advice.

Always be sure to gather as much information as you can before purchasing or investing in any cryptocurrency.

Alright. let ’s take a look at ten undervalued cryptocurrencies with huge potential.

Power Ledger (POWR)

POWR is a cryptocurrency that focuses on energy trading. On this platform, consumers that have solar panels can sell off their excess energy to local users.

Instead of using power stations that push energy to consumers, Power Ledger aims to create a world where users can buy or sell power from one another.

This will allow the peer-to-peer distribution of energy with no centralised companies controlling the price.

This is done through the power grid, or by simply sharing with another user and bypassing the system altogether.

Power Ledger aims to solve 3 issues in the energy industry:

  • Help energy companies find alternative solutions as the world slowly shifts toward green energy.
  • Provide easy access to lower cost energy. Current consumers are limited to pricing options provided by centralised corporations.
  • Offer a way to sell and distribute excess energy in an open market.

Nucleus Vision Coin (NCASH)

Ncash is a unique cryptocurrency that incorporates the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and retail into it’s products. They have a few working products, one of these products, the ION IoT Sensor, gives retails stores the ability to identify customers within a 200 metre radius. It also senses temperature, pressure, movement, speed and sound.

The ION will work the Nucleus Vision app so retail stores can target specific customers with personalised promotions based on their preferences.

Nucleus Vision also plans to make an impact on the security sector, with its IoT sensors, Nucleus Vision can determine when an object is being stolen in a retail store or workplace. This type of information is all kept safely on its blockchain.

Nucleus Vision is the platform and NCASH is the toekn which will used for transactions on it’s platform.

NCASH is an ambitious project with 4 products:

  1. ION IoT Sensor
  2. NEURON, Deep Learning Platform: Creates customer personas
  3. ORBIT, Blockchain information exchange
  4. nCash utility token (crpyotucrrency)

This is definitely a cryptocurrency worth investing in.

Substratum (SUB)

SUB is the cryptocurrency for the Substratum project, a platform which aims to build decentralised, fair and free internet, allowing users unrestricted access to the internet and it’s content.

This solves the problem of centralised internet providers being able to legally throttle internet speed, block data, websites and content. This will open up the internet to the whole world equally, people from any country can have equal access to the same content.

Countries like China have The Great Firewall of China which blocks access to simple sites like YouTube like example, Substratum aims to make tackle issues like this.

With the Subtratum network, anyone with a computer can an open network on Substratum to share their computing power with another computer on the same network.

Anyone can host an application or website and receive SUB as a reward for contributing their computing power. This kind of incentive will help to increase participation on the Substratum platform.

SUB will essentially power a free and decentralised internet, the same way Bitcoin powered a decentralised peer-to-peer currency.


NANO (formelly RaiBlocks) is a cryptocurrency with near-instant and zero fee (free) transactions. Other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum require “mining” and only have a certain amount of data (in megabytes) that can be transferred for every block.

NANO doesn’t require mining, it uses a technology called Block Lattice, where every user has their own blockchain. This is covered more in this story: This cryptocurrency has the potential to increase over 100x

Through Block Lattice technology Nano is able to perform instant transactions that do not incur any fees. Additionally, with Nano’s platform, an unlimited number of transactions can complete simultaneously.

With most other cryptocurrencies, each transaction has to go through confirmation by a number of miners, however, with NANO, only two transactions need to happen:

  • The “send” transaction, which deducts the funds from the sender.
  • The “receive” transaction, which credits the funds to the recipient.

NANO is solving a number of huge problems that prevent the mass adoption of cryptocurrency: Scalability, high fees, and slow transactions. NANO mega-pumped during the bull run of 2017 unexpectedly from 8 cents ($0.08) to $34.

Wanchain (WAN)

Wanchain aims to create a new distribution platform for digital assets in the financial sector. The current problem with digital assets is that they cannot be transferred to a blockchain platform different to the one it originated from (digital assets cannot move from Ethereum to NEO for example).

Wanchain wants to establish a bridge that provides digital financial assets the ability to move seamlessly between different blockchains.

Since digital assets, like future earnings rights and loyalty points registers, cannot be shared across different blockchains, it creates a problem for businesses trying to adopt blockchain technology.

This is where Wanchain steps in, Wanchain will make it possible for digital assets to move seamlessly across varying blockchains.

But that’s not all that this project can do. Wanchain can also:

  • Hide the value of the assets being transferred using optional privacy features. This is beneficial for corporations that don’t want the public to have access to confidential financial information.
  • Create new tokens and launch ICO’s on its network.
  • Launch smart contracts.

Wanchain is in a great position to benefit if the digitisation of assets becomes a major thing in the future


One of the biggest challenges with blockchain technology is its lack of connectivity between different blockchains. ICON is a project that aims to establish connectivity between different systems, platforms, and blockchains.

The thinking behind ICX is that it will define a different network for different sectors and industries. For example:

  • Insurance would have its own blockchain
  • Health records would have their own blockchain, and so on.

Therefore, ICX would store and transmit data across different blockchains when needed. This would enable different blockchains to communicate with one another.

ICON is a very ambitious project that wants to connect the world. The ability to communicate across blockchains is a technology that will be disruptive for many industries.

ICX can greatly change and increase the adoption of blockchain technology at an enterprise level. While this platform is still in its early stages, it misght see rapid growth in the near future.


NEO was originally considered by some to be the ‘Ethereum Killer.’ This smart economy platform can digitise assets via its smart contract technology. What does that mean? It means digital assets can be self-managed, exchanged, or distributed within NEO’s platform.

The digitisation of assets utilises dapps created on the NEO blockchain. Therefore, smart contracts can transfer ownership from one person to another. This ownership can be of any real-world item. It might be a car, food, property, or any number of other assets. If the item can be digitised, it can be traded on NEO’s ecosystem.

Perhaps the most appealing feature of NEO is that as it continues to grow, it is ensuring that its digital asset certificates are completely compliant with global regulations.

In the future you could possibly use NEO to:

  • Trade items easily and across borders whilst avoiding excessive fees.
  • Buy a car or house easily without the need for a middleman or the fees associated with them.
  • Share digital assets easily.
  • Avoid high fees when booking holidays or travel.

It’s time our economy begins to reflect the digital age in which we live. A smart economy is still far away from us, but cryptocurrencies like NEO will help to make this a reality.

It’s clear to see that NEO has a place in the future of smart economies and it makes sense to keep an eye on this digital currency as it continues to grow.


WAX, which stands for Worldwide Asset Exchange, is an international marketplace for digital gaming assets. Gamer’s can use this digital currency in the gaming sector, but what does the platform do? To have a better understanding, it’s important to know that gamer’s spend $50 billion annually on in-game items. Gamer’s often acquire these items throughout the course of gameplay.

The thinking behind WAX is that users can sell in-game items they’ve earned for WAX tokens. Users can then take the tokens and sell them for real money through a cryptocurrency exchange or purchase other in-game items.

WAX’s ecosystem solves a big problem in a huge market. There are potentially millions of gamer’s that would be willing to exchange their hard earned in-game items for cash, or trade for items from another game.

The issue lies with centralised exchanges and a lack of trust in a fragmented industry. WAX wants to solve these problems, so gamer’s have options.

The WAX platform offers a creative solution to an ongoing problem, and it will be interesting to see how this digital currency is able to garner gamer adoption.

The team will focus on gaining additional market share while offering the appeal of a platform that gives them the ability to trade their in-game items. It will be interesting to watch this cryptocurrency as it moves forward. (POE)

In today’s online world, it is very easy to copy and redistribute content as your own. POE cryptocurrency wants to establish a platform which protects online content. With the help of its immutable blockchain, creators can time-stamp their content. In the event of claim validation, POE would make confirming authorship a piece of cake.

Fortunately for content creators, you can’t hide anything on the blockchain. Every action is tracked and leaves an immutable record, which everyone can see. This means anyone trying to copy or claim content as their own will soon get caught trying to doing so.

Using the blockchain for a licensing system would create a more efficient system than the current copyrighting option, plus it would be easier for publishers and authors to register their work. POE’s platform is available for all types of media, not just the written word. Therefore, as user participation increases, the value of POE would also increase.

Creators also have the ability to create their own personal marketplaces, as well as participate in other markets by staking some of their POE tokens. If their created content is popular enough, the revenue pours in, as each request for access earns micro-payments.


WaBi is a cryptocurrency that focuses on supply chain and loyalty program tracking. Using WaBi, users can track their product from the manufacturing factory all the way to the shelf in the retail store. Through the WaBi blockchain, WaBi logs, and tracks the product each step of the way.

The goal of WaBi is to reduce counterfeiting but their platform can also reduce sickness and death from defective products. Products reside on the WaBi blockchain through a data entry point and are tracked throughout the entire supply chain journey.

The physical and digital asset are linked together using RFID technology which WaBi calls Walimai. The RFID labels securely connect to products throughout the entirety of the trip and the tags are designed in a way to break if tampered with.

WaBi uses IoT alongside blockchain technology to provide consumers with a full history of the product they intend to consume. An ambitious project with great potential in my opinion.


Below is a quick summary of the cryptocurrencies we looked at:

  1. POWR: Distributed energy.
  2. NCASH: Retail & IoT cryptocurrency.
  3. SUB: Decentralised internet.
  4. NANO: Zero fees & instant transactions.
  5. WAN: Blockchain platform for financial assets.
  6. ICX: Interoperability between blockchains & systems.
  7. NEO: Digitization of assets, smart contract platform and passive income.
  8. WAX: Marketplace for digital gaming assets
  9. POE: Blockchain based licensing and copywriting
  10. WABI: IoT, supply chain tracking and management

For people interested in investing into cryptocurrency you can find the above cryptocurrencies on Binance where you can buy them with Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH) which you can get from CEX if you don’t have any.

I hope you found this story helpful

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Cryptonite — Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Writer

Entrepreneur and investor, focusing on cryptocurrency, fintech, IoT & Blockchain technology.