8 Instagram Tools to Grow Your Client’s Audience

Marvin Dumont
3 min readFeb 24, 2019


Photo credit: Canva.com

Instagram (IG) is easy to use and that’s why it has one billion users worldwide. But running a client’s campaign requires well-thought-out strategies such as posting awesome content, engaging with followers, and building relationships.

Here are tools that automate Instagram activities, as well as, expand your client’s online presence. Socialrocketer recently published an IG tools list that includes:

1) Hashtagsforlikes.co

One-third of IG content don’t have hashtags. However, these are key to any social strategy: Content can be invisible without them. Tagging posts with keywords helps users discover relevant or interesting material. And it lets them avoid all that digital noise.

So which hashtags are best? Hashgtagsforlikes.co monitors trends and provides helpful suggestions. The best keywords can boost your client’s exposure.

2) Buffer

A successful campaign requires that you check what’s working and what’s not. Specific posts can attract a certain crowd while other posts can lead to lack of interest. Dig deeper and find out why. Doing so will improve the ROI (return on investment) of your marketing budget.

Buffer is an advanced social management tool that provides insights on your IG content. See analyses of your posts’ reach, what strategies are effective, and more.

3) Crowdfire

Great, original content attracts a fanbase. But you may want to mix things up with external materials now and then.

Crowdfire works across multiple platforms (Instagram included) and helps marketers find relevant content across the web. Users can publish original material straight from its dashboard.

4) Sprout Social

Sprout Social is an analytics tool that provides insights and social signals of IG campaigns. Marketers should make informed decisions: When you understand why some videos perform better than others, why certain stories have more views at particular times, and why specific hashtags outperform, you can adjust strategies accordingly.

The more marketers know what works, the more they can repeat successful formulas and maximize the effectiveness of a budget.

5) Iconosquare

Iconosquare — like other analytics and management tools — allows marketers to schedule posts and assess performance of content. It’s also practical for monitoring a client’s competitors and determining where they stand.

Be able to answer questions such as, What are other Instagram users doing that I should emulate or avoid? What posts are my client’s audiences most interested in?

6) Social Gone Viral

Social Gone Viral connects you with an IG growth expert who can take care of the nitty-gritty details of campaigning. That includes liking other people’s posts so you can focus on other activities. Social Gone Viral can help you to acquire real followers.

7) Kapwing

Instagram is an image- and video-heavy platform. While captions are essential, people love to look at and watch things. Producing video, however, is arguably more challenging, so Kapwing can help you to create content that is high-quality and engages audiences. It also offers software that adjust video formats and special effects.

8) Bigbangram

Grabbing attention can be tricky. Which posts should you like, and how many? Strategies like these go beyond liking and commenting, though. They also require following and unfollowing the right people. Bigbangram uses bots to target relevant users in order to grow your client’s social presence.

Successful IG campaigns take a lot of effort but innovation can make your job easier. In a competitive landscape, saving time helps you to develop and improve other areas of your social strategy. Which Instagram tools might help your clients?

