15+ Best places to learn WordPress and become a pro!

Ipshita Biswas
8 min readMar 15, 2018



When I started my career in WordPress a year and a half ago, I just had a faint idea about what WordPress is and had previously used it just for blogging purpose. Until last year, I had no idea of the immense potential this open source tool has got. Quite immediately I had realized that I was infact using WordPress.com and what I was about to start dealing with was WordPress.org.

For those who have just stepped into WordPress, you can read my answer on quora on the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com

Now you may ask that, why should I learn WordPress?

For the obvious reason that it’s free, open-source and highly customizable. Moreover, it doesn’t require you to have coding expertise in order to setup a functioning website with WordPress. But, if you wish to set up a site with advanced functionalities or wish to become a WordPress site developer or even a WordPress plugin developer, being backed up with good guidance would help you in the long run. Thus, I shall be noting down some of the websites which has been helping me learn WordPress for the last one and a half year.

Each of these sites has its own way to spreading knowledge on WordPress. Hope you enjoy these sites as much as I do!

1. WPBeginner


The holy grail of WordPress. Forever free and tailor made for beginners. This site would possible be able to give you every answer you want on WordPress (At least that has been the case with me). Right from the time of learning to setup your WordPress site in localhoast to the time of creating and selling your own WordPress plugins, this website would be a great companion. Type any WordPress related query on Google and I can bet that an article from WPBeginner would be one among the top three links.

The ‘How-to’ articles are its highlight. The well-researched, comprehensive blogs would give you an idea as to why WPBeginner is at the top. They have some end-to-end tutorials like ‘How to Start a Blog’, ‘How to build an online store’. But, till date my favorite is ‘WPBeginner’s Blueprint’. WPBeginner had started in the year 2009 and haven’t looked back ever since. And another good thing is that you can get exclusive offers on various plugins if you purchase them through WPBeginner. WPBeginner is suitable for beginners, content writers, marketers and Website developers.

2. WordPress.org Codex

WordPress Codex

If you are a plugin developer and your purpose is just to develop WordPress plugin, then you should go for this site. This too is free. This is an extensive documentation created to be used by developers and I am afraid it’s not a very friendly site for non-developers. If you are not really looking forward to create WordPress plugins then you can skip this site and instead make your way to other sites.

It goes without saying that this place basically has all the answers to everything related to WordPress terminologies and you can trust it blindly. WordPress Codex is suitable for WordPress plugin developers, content writers looking for some understanding of WordPress core features like hooks, filters, actions etc. This is not a good site to help you create a website on WordPress.

3. WP101


Apart from the blogs, the tutorial contents are not free. However, they promise to make you an expert. Unlike WPBeginner, they have tailor made courses for every level of WordPress learner. They even have complete courses on some of the top plugins like JetPack, Yoast etc. They have a number of tutorials in the ‘Coming Soon’ mode! So, you can check this site from time to time or subscribe to their site in order to get notified if your required tutorial has been published yet. WP101 is solely focused on educating. They have one innovative way of teaching. WP101Plugin is nothing but a plugin which can fit into your dashboard thus helping you learn WordPress simultaneously while working on WordPress.

4. Envatotuts+


Envato has earned its name as one of most versatile marketplace for website developers. A place where you get all the required tools for your website has also launched their educational library with over 21,000 free tutorials.

This site has a number of useful blogs, courses and ebooks. While the blogs are free and a part of the courses too comes at no cost. But in order to get full access and utilize its full potential, you would be required to have a paid subscription.

5. Wpmudev


This site would give you some comprehensive detailed articles. Their blogs which would give you a clear overview is free of cost. However, the site would charge you to take their course from wpmudev academy. Apart from tutorials, the site has a number of things to offer to the WordPress users, like 100+ Premium plugins free to its members, themes, 24X7 support and lot more. Once you go to their blogs and realize their effective way of storytelling, you would naturally want to enroll in their masterclass in order to grasp the topic in-depth.

6. WinningWP


This site is more in line of WPBeginner. They have a complied list of recommended themes and plugins and they provide a detailed review of some of them. You would find some exclusive deals in this site too.

7. Digging into WordPress


I’ve very recently come across this site and couldn’t help mentioning them. Their website design is very different from any other WordPress learning site you will come across. They have a bunch of useful WordPress books which you should definitely take a look at.

8. WPSessions


WPSessions is one of the 3 sites recommended by Chris Lema. The site has a series of courses meant to give an end-to-end tutorial. They have free as well as premium tutorials. Their tutorials feature the likes of Chris Lema, Cory Miller, Pippin Williamson, so they must be something to watch out. The highlight of WPSessions is that they can present to you the tutorials directly from the WordPress experts!

9. SellWithWP


Though as of today, this site has a relatively less number of blogs. Its end-to-end tutorials are really very helpful. Managed by none other than Beka Rice, the articles are definitely one of the best. The Wholesale Market series is indeed one of the best. As the name suggests, the site is focused on Selling online on WordPress, thus, ecommerce platforms like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) etc. are primarily the focus at SellWithWP.

10. Yoast


Yoast, the provider of the indispensable SEO tool for WordPress. We can’t imagine publishing an article on WordPress without getting the green lights from this.

Their articles on WordPress SEO in unmatched. They further have courses. Not just SEO, their articles on Analytics and User Experience are something to highly recommend.

11. WPBuffs


Among other services managed by WPBuffs, their blogs are worth mentioning. Their articles are mostly focused around WordPress site optimization, page load speed and security. They even have a collection of short free ebooks.

12. Advanced WordPress


The Advanced WordPress facebook group is one of the best in term to sharing and gathering knowledge on WordPress. As well as getting some quick help and suggestions. If you are looking for getting quick help, solutions or suggestions, visit this site.

13. Codeinwp


This place might not be a great place to learn WordPress, it’s rather a site with interesting, engaging, informative articles on news, plugins, themes etc. which related to WordPress. If you are looking for motivating, inspiring and knowledgeable article to read then this could be the right place for you.



This is indeed an interesting site which publishes only code snippets for WP customization. There are a very few sites of this kind which are solely dedicated to code snippets. And since they do not have a proper documentation, they recommend WPBeginner for understanding the theory.



Every WordPress resource is unique. So is WPKUBE. Though fundamentally in the same line with WPBeginner, it has its own way of dealing in WordPress. WPKUBE has partnership with some of the top WordPress community and can give you upto 60% discounts on the likes of themes, hosting, plugins etc. Though their frequency of publishing new articles is less, the richness and depth of each content makes up for that.

16. LearnWoo


I can’t help being a little biased here for mentioning our pet project learnwoo. Well, learnwoo is to WooCommerce what WPBeginner is to WordPress. It is currently in a relatively basic stage, but that’s doesn’t come in between publishing some high-quality content. LearnWoo has a dedicated focus on WooCommerce. Especially WooCommerce core and it’s extensions. They also have exclusive deals on several plugins, themes, hosting etc.

Hope you enjoy learning WordPress as much as I do. And also mention your favorite WordPress learning platform in the comment section!



Ipshita Biswas

Sr. Marketing Exec. at PathPartner. Loves writing, working on marketing strategies, exploring IoT, Medical Devices, ML, AL etc.