17 Chrome Extensions that Developers Actually Use

Milica Maksimovic
2 min readAug 27, 2018


There are thousands of apps on the Google web store, but how many of them do developers actually need and find useful? There’s an ongoing discussion on Hashnode about this 🔥, and here are the tools that people are talking about:

  • Lighthouse — an open-source, automated tool for improving the performance, quality, and correctness of your web apps.
  • JavaScript Errors Notifier — notifies you about JavaScript errors by icon in toolbar bar or notification popup.
  • Wappalyzer — a cross-platform utility that uncovers the technologies used on websites.
  • JSON Viewer — customizable JSON/JSONP highlighter
  • React Developer Tools — adds React debugging tools to the Chrome Developer Tools.
  • Redux dev tools — Redux DevTools for debugging application’s state changes.
  • ZenHub’s extension — project management tool that integrates natively within GitHub’s user interface.
  • xdebug — a must have for everyone who’s debugging, profiling and tracing PHP code with Xdebug.
  • postman — sends requests fired through the Postman chrome app.
  • raindrop.io — all in one bookmark manager.
  • Google tag assistant — helps troubleshoot installation of various Google tags including Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and more.
  • GTM Sonar — debug your page template to see if it works with Google Tag Manager’s auto-event listeners.
  • Blackfire — profile your PHP application from your browser.
  • Daydream — a chrome extension to record your actions into a nightmare script.
  • Pocket — saves articles and web pages so you can read them later on.
  • uBlock Origin — adblocker
  • Adblock plus — adblocker

Before installing all of them, keep in mind that every extension spins up a new process and takes a chunk of your RAM. Which extensions do you actively use? Share them with the rest of the dev community on Hashnode!



Milica Maksimovic

A technophile in love with marketing. I no longer blog here, check out mmaksimovic.dev