6 Steps to Prepare Your Mobile Site for Voice Search in 2019

Sandeep Mehta
5 min readApr 23, 2019


When Google first debuted voice search application for iPhone in 2008, the app was far from flawless. Over the years this app has become more precise and human-like. Statistics reveal that Google’s English identification precision rate is currently over ninety-five percent.

People fancy an immediate answer when searching for something from the web. While typing a question in a search bar is fast, merely talking in your gadget and obtaining similar outcomes is even swifter. Typically, an individual can type around forty words per minute and talk approximately a hundred and fifty words per minute.

To attempt a spoken search, you may trigger your smartphone’s assistant like Amazon Alexa, Google assistant or Siri. You’ll need to press on the mic icon on Google’s search bar right side, to the left of the amplifying glass. You will then be prompted to talk now, and you’ll view the outcomes coming up, after making your request.

If you’re a business holder, it’s an excellent idea to begin contemplating methods to optimize your site for voice search with the help of freelance website designer. Numerous customers already utilize it to discover what they are searching for and as reported by comScore fifty percent of searches will be done this way by the year two thousand and twenty. That said here are ways on how to optimize your mobile site for voice search in 2019.

1. Start by Researching Keywords

Keywords have consistently been vital to search engine optimization. But voice SEO’s keywords are not usually similar to comprehend. To understand why this is the case, contemplate about how you may ask a query of Google when typing. If you crave to know about the opening times of retail, you will type opening time [store title]. But with talking, is more natural to state: Alexa/Siri, what is the opening time for [store name]?

Long tail keywords are one of the necessary elements of optimization for voice search. There are close to the queries individuals enquire of smart gadgets. These gadgets inspire a friendlier tone. Users are steered to engage with the technology as if it’s an individual, meaning keywords are usually expressed as queries. However, you may ask this question How can I utilize this to my particular site?” First, you’ll need to think of the search phrase that individuals may inquire your site can answer. You can then turn these keywords into queries.

2. Generate a Frequently Asked Questions Page for Your Website.

The FAQ page will enable you to source additional keywords that are long-tailed, for your content. Question yourself: what demands am I regularly asked concerning my services, products or business?” For instance, if you’re a photography specialist, then you may often be questioned How do I layout a tripod? Or What’s the golden hour of a photographer?” You’ve probably replied to these types of queries utilizing your prowess many times before.

But in this example, this frequently heard queries are remarkably helpful. This is because these inquiries you’re exceedingly accustomed with may lead to the recognition of additional keywords that are long-tailed concerning your niche, which your website may then attempt to respond. FAQ queries offer useful content.

You’ll need to express the question in the first person then provide brief instructive responses.

3. Improve Your Local Search

Numerous voice search inquiries are for statistics about areas users crave to tour. This could be a specific question like pizza areas in Rome? Alternately, a proposal questions such as What are the ideal pizza areas in Rome? In this situation, the ideal key phrase that’s worth improving is pizza areas in Rome. But if a person inserts something more imprecise such as Pizza areas near me, Google will immediately trail the enquirer’s locality and make proposals for relevant nearby areas.

“Near me” is a general keyword and one you need to recall any time the two words are available. The voice search algorithm for Google will proceed to Google trade recordings, that’s where your brand’s designation requires to be recorded and available. Ensure you set up your profile with your title, phone number or email address for each user that discovers your trade. As you make this information accessible, you’ll be assisting with ranking your website with Google in the local search sphere.

4. Improve Mobile Voice Search

Over half of searchable questions are materializing from mobile gadgets, and Google has discovered that twenty percent of voice searches are from mobile searches. These figures are plausible to increase. Thus, substantial mobile improvement is of vital significance for including voice search in your final plan. There are a few fundamentals you’ll need to consider to attain appropriate mobile improvement. These are

  • All your website’s resources should be crawlable.
  • Consider ranking for ideal searches reviews to be vital.
  • Be hyperlocal with name tags and Meta explanation.
  • Make sure your website has an approachable mobile friendly outline.

5. Speed up the Load Time of Your Website Page

The load time of your mobile site page matters a lot. The standard spoken search outcomes page can load virtually twice as swift as a website page. Therefore, you’ll need to keep up in case you desire getting seen. Google also incorporates the speed of the page as a ranking component. Speed is usually preferable. This will become more pertinent and essential to your customers for it will make it simple for them to talk to your trade.

6. Produce Amazing Content Around Long Tailed Keywords

Individuals utilizing voice search, speak naturally when making a web search. They are speaking to what appears like a friend (particularly in Alexa’s instance). The bulk of voice searches are extensive in length as compared to their text-based options. These are called long-tailed keywords, and you’ll need to earmark them on your site, to position high for voice search questions. Fortunately for you, this procedure does not need to be the beginning of an enormous revamp of your content promotion plan. A few easy adjustments of your content almanac can be all you need to see an improvement in your site’s mobile voice search positions.

The first phase, to perform this is, is to produce a long-tailed blog post for a keyword with low trade purpose. Usually, five to eight words in length and searched by individuals who are not vigorously planning to purchase. Aiming these long tailed keywords is a remarkable way to uncover your brand to individuals who are in the recognition phase in the purchasing funnel.

Article Source: http://www.webprecious.com/optimize-mobile-website-for-voice-search/



Sandeep Mehta

I’m a Freelance SEO Expert, Digital Marketing Expert and Website Designer having 5+ years of experience. Read more about me: https://www.sandeepmehta.co.in/