A developer’s guide to setting and smashing career goals

Isabel Nyo


“Several white arrows pointing upwards on a wooden wall” by Jungwoo Hong on Unsplash

There are thousands of articles, books, and videos on how to set career goals. However, there is little information available for developers and software engineers on how to set these effectively.

How do I know for sure? Well, I was a developer for more than a decade, and actually, I am still a developer at heart — I just don’t code every single day like I used to. Throughout my career as a developer, I noticed there was a lack of resources on career planning targeted especially for developers.

These days, I help developers and software engineers set and smash career goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, timely, and — most importantly — that align with their values and desires in life.

I will be going through five essential strategies to effectively set and smash career goals for a developer. These use relatable examples and best practices.

So, let’s get started.

1. Look at what is out there

Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

The technology landscape is ever-changing and always advancing. If you were working hard at shipping a product for the past few months…



Isabel Nyo

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