Angular Providers: How to inject 3rd party library?

Mikki Kobvel
2 min readJan 29, 2018


This article will describe a common scenario of using some libraries which don’t have Angular integration. As an example, I will use HashWords library which converts hash strings to the human-readable random words. If you are lazy to read an article, you can check Github repo for the code examples.

Installing library by running: $ npm install --save hashwords

Importing it to the .angular-cli.json:

“scripts”: [“../node_modules/hashwords/dist/hashwords.min.js”]

By the last action, we made it available on the window object.

Now, we can register it in the providers property of theNgModule

Provide the application with the Value window['hashwords']() for any injection called Hashwords!

Next action is to inject this newly created value to the constructor of the app.component.ts

Hashwords injection

With the @Inject({ token: any }) decorator we can manually Inject registered dependencies. When @Inject() is not present, Injector will use the type annotation of the parameter. That’s what actually happens in the application where we use constructor(apiService: ApiService).

Improving example with the InjectionToken

The previous example is totally workable. But we are missing the brilliant feature of Angular + TypeScript applications — type check! Of course, not every library you need has type definition out of the box. But with the InjectionToken mechanism, we can define some basic interface for our third-party library and provide our application with the knowledge of properties and methods which we are going to use.

#1 Creating new file which will have configurations for our third-party providers

  • LOC 3–8: Describing interface for our library with methods and properties which we are going to use across application;
  • LOC 10: Creating a custom InjectionToken with the generic type of interface which we created a second before;
  • LOC 11: Creating a ValueProvider object, so we can register it in the NgModule

#2 Registering newly created value provider

LOC 12: Adding HashwordsProvider to providers array

#3 Injecting our dependency with the defined interface type in the component

LOC 3: Import needed dependencies from libs.providers.ts ;

LOC 12: Now we can Inject Hashword InjectionToken, and define a type for hashwords variable, which is going to be interface — IHashwords ;

LOC 15,16: After that action we can use hashwords methods with the intellisense!


With the flexible mechanism of registering providers in Angular applications, we can easily wrap 3rd party libraries and use them across application exactly as if they where an Angular library.

With the Injection Token mechanism, we can even define custom types and make our app aware of API of an imported library!

If you want to get an info straight from the horse’s mouth follow me on Twitter and Medium account!



Mikki Kobvel

CEO at Kanso Code. B2B Software Boutique for Enterprises. Check it out here -