Are Dating Apps Killing Romance?

3 min readSep 23, 2018


Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe… This sums up dating apps today. Endless swiping leading to a few matches, then less matches you decide to have a meaningful conversation with and eventually one or two people you meet in person.

These first dates tend to be forced and judgmental. You have very little information on the person you are about to meet and each of you is trying to force the initial date. In the end it is unlikely to be 2 people who truly click. This is especially the case when there is a perceived endless amount of viable options on apps like Tinder — where half an hour of swiping could easily result in viewing thousands of similar profiles.

This fast dating with the sole emphasis on visual attraction has resulted in people getting tired of today’s main online dating sites. User retention is at an all-time low and studies have showed less people are meeting in real person from these app than ever.

On top of all of this there is the hugely prevalent problem of fake profiles, catfishing and dating fraud — with FBI estimates at over $200m lost to these scams a year.

Luckily there are some new innovative players looking to buck the trend. is the latest innovation in technology to help reverse the trend and revolutionize the dating industry. By using blockchain technology LoveBlock is able to secure user data like no platform has done before. As well, fraud, fake profiles and scammers will be wiped out across the whole industry with the blockchain allowing for multiple dating apps to interlink and share secure data on scammers, ridding them from every system.

LoveBlock has also partnered up with high-end dating app LUXY — the first of many partnerships.

Luxy is the high-end dating platform that puts user security and verification beyond any methods on other platforms. This should not surprise, after all reaches Luxy out to successful and wealthy people. Security is therefore a top priority.

The more dating platforms join to take actions against fraudsters, the smaller the room will get in which they are moving. Online dating is since many years a common activity and has helped millions of people to find love. It will also continue to exist in the future through its convenience. It always depends on the people taking part in it if they are able to light the fire and create a romantic environment. This is also possible with chatting someone on the phone.

It would be great when in the future love seekers simply can concentrate on that and don’t have to worry about if the person they are writing to is the one he or she claims to be.




LoveBlock a Decentralized Database for Dating based on BlockChain and is working closely together with the dating app Luxy.