Blockchain Stories that Inspired YOU During Crypto Winter

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4 min readApr 26, 2019


Hey, Utsav Jaiswal here, Hacker Noon’s new(-ish) blockchain editor.

Before we dive into these Blockchain stories, we’d like to remind you that anyone can start a crypto discussion thread in the community and anyone can submit a blockchain or crypto for review (by me or one of the other editors) to be published on Hacker Noon.

Now that all signs point towards a thawing crypto-winter, Hacker Noon takes a look back at Blockchain stories that kept peoples’ faith intact in Decentralized Ledger Technologies. What began as “corrections due to the Chinese New Year” in early 2018 quickly snowballed into a full-blown rout of major cryptocurrencies as the year progressed. While STOs (Security Token Offerings) blunted the crypto-winter a bit, the resurgence of interest in Blockchain products came with the emergence of IEOs (Initial Exchange Offerings).

With Blockchain products back to raising their hard caps in under 30 minutes, crypto-winter is finally over. At this juncture, we take a look back at the Blockchain articles that kept the readers hopeful in the underlining technology in those lower market cap times.

Why Blockchain?

What’s in a Blockchain?

  • The Innards of an ERC20 Token [4 min read] by Winfred K. Mandela — talks about the inner workings of the most famous token standard of all time — the ERC20 and why it received much love from the developer communities across the world.
  • The State Of The DAOs [18 min read] by Vu Gaba Vineb — takes the reader to the ‘Promised Land’ of Blockchain maximalists — The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). It explains how for the first time humans have the means to coordinate in a trustless and anonymous way to make collective decisions for a certain cause.
  • Blockchain as the Next Evolutionary Step of the Open Source Movement [8 min read] by Tal Kol — is a fantastic piece on the limitations faced by the Open Source Movement and shows how Blockchain Technologies can be the next vehicle to unlock a whole new side of potential for copy-left software.

Who Needs Blockchain?

Where is the Money?

We, at Hackernoon, are excited help provide a medium of discussion for those involved in the development of Blockchain-based solutions. You can become a part of the discussion by checking out our contributors’ stories on blockchain technologies or, become a contributor yourself and create a new discussion by submitting a story.

Follow @hackernoon and my new twitter, @hackerhodl, for more blockchain stories.

