Build a Basic Counter App with SwiftUI in Xcode 11

Max Nelson  (maxcodes)
2 min readJun 25, 2019


Objective: Today you will create a SwiftUI app with State in SwiftUI to create an awesome counter app.

My name is Maxwell, and I run the iOS Dev Newsletter. Nice to finally meet you.

Step 1 — Create a Single View App in Xcode 11

  • create a single view app
  • make sure Use SwiftUI is selected when creating the project

Step 2 — Create an aligned VStack

  • change the default text to say current count: 0
  • wrap the text with VStack and add an alignment of leading
code and output

Step 3 — Replace 0 with a State Variable

  • Create a state variable called count
  • use string interpolation in the text to display that value

the output should not change.

Step 4 — Create a Button to increment the count State variable.

  • Create a Button and add a Text label
  • Increment count += 1 each time the button is pressed

Now, each time you press the button, the current count text will display the previous number plus one.

code and output

That’s it!

You’ve now created a SwiftUI counter application using the following tech

  • Text
  • VStack & Alignment
  • Button & Action
  • String Interpolation

But I want to learn more Maxwell!

No problem, I have three resources for you fam.

As Always, Thank You.

Your support helps me help you :)


