Building Conclave: a decentralized, real time, collaborative text editor

Using WebRTC and Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs)

Sunny Beatteay
Published in
14 min readJan 4, 2018


Conclave in action

Try Conclave here

Read our in-depth Case Study here

If you are savvy on the latest tech news, you might have heard of GitHub’s release of TeleType. Teletype is a plugin that was built by a remote three person team and allows for collaborative editing in the Atom code editor.

Teletype accomplishes this by utilizing WebRTC and Conflict-free Replicated Data Types. It is a really cool piece of software and you should definitely check it out.

However, this is not the story of how Teletype was built.

This is the account of a different remote three person team who built a different open-source collaborative editor using the exact same technology in the same time period.

This article is about Conclave.

Conclave is a decentralized, real time, collaborative editor for the browser. This article is going to discuss the many challenges we faced as well as the solutions we found. By the end of this piece, we hope that many of you will want to create a collaborative editor yourself. It is a very fun project and we highly recommend it to any developers…

