Cryptocurrency Prices and their Movements in June

COR Index
4 min readJul 4, 2019


June 2019 Cryptocurrencies Market Activity

Corindex presents the January 2019 monthly Cryptocurrency Market Activity report, comprised of various indicators specifically designed to present and express market dynamics in the cryptocurrency sphere.

98.45% of all cryptocurrency exchange operations were analyzed and converted into tangible data to deliver this Corindex report to you.

June 2019 Cryptocurrencies Market Activity account is split into 5 chapters, each dedicated to a particular indicator and its monthly performance. For each indicator, only 10 currencies that had shown the biggest change during the analyzed period are put on display.

This way we’re keeping the report concise while ensuring that you won’t miss any of the truly important developments.

The first chapter of this report is dedicated to the cryptocurrency monthly transaction volume expressed in United States dollars. Having cemented the position of the most important success indicator in the early days of crypto, transaction volume remains one of the most simple yet effective ways to assess the market state.

True to its “King of crypto” title, Bitcoin remains well ahead of the competition with 668 471 303 711,00 USD in monthly volume, even though this is -5.32% less than during the previous 30-day period.

Ethereum had a decrease in volume as well, but of -12.09%, and is now down to 269 403 126 859,00 USD.

Litecoin had the third largest transaction volume during July — 134 521 045 409,00 USD, which is 7.81% more than during May.

EOS remained almost entirely stable with a negligible negative dynamics of -0.04% which put it at fourth place with 86 816 755 120,00 USD of monthly volume.

Bitcoin Cash closes the top 5. Having dropped by -25.44%, it now has 58 995 720 114,00 USD and may well trade places with Ripple that declined by -14.29% down to 55 702 312 671,00 USD.

Cryptocurrency price is directly responsible for market capitalization, but even more so than on stock market since the amount of coins of each cryptocurrency that would ever be created is a pre-decided number and is released to the public before the crowdfunding, be that ICO, IPO, IOE, or some other form of it, starts.

Consequently, there is no way to conduct additional funding rounds, aside from selling coins from the developer fund, which a) is usually frozen and b) may draw a lot of negativity from the already existing community c) Will likely decrease the capitalisation, since the number of coins remained the same and price is prone to drop because of increased supply.

As a result, the increase in the cryptocurrency price is the only way its market capitalization may increase and that’s why it’s so important. Ergo the second chapter of this report is dedicated to the quantifiable changes to cryptocurrency Prices.

Bitcoin has started this month with a price of 8 549,72 USD and finished it with a price of 10 850,91 USD while reaching a monthly high of almost fourteen thousand dollars and a monthly low of 7.5k USD. That’s a 26.92% price increase.

Ethereum price grew by 10.93% from 252,90 USD to 280,55 USD. It started the month with a price of 252,90 USD and reached a high of 363,08 USD and a low of 214,35 USD.

Zcash is third with a 14.57% positive change. It opened the month at 90.11 USD and closed it with 103,25 USD while reaching a monthly high of 124.45 USD and a monthly low of 75.51 USD.

Litecoin price increased by 7.12% from 114,60 USD to 123,45 USD. It reached the height of 145,81 USD and dropped as low as 98,26 USD during June.

SaluS wraps up the top 5 with an increase of 27.7% which brought it to 20.93 USD from 16.39 USD. It had a monthly high of 16.39 USD and a low of 14.39 USD.

The third chapter is dedicated to the same indicator but displays the largest relative changes instead.

Cryptocurrency markets are notorious for their volatility and each month there are some currencies that show astounding results of 200% or even 300% increases within a single month.

A feat largely unknown to broader financial markets, which rarely see such drastic changes even within several years, not to mention a single month’s span.

According to it, BOX Token has shown the largest increase of eye-popping 266.38% from 0.00779735 USD to 0.02856827 USD. The disparity between its monthly high and low is equally breathtaking: 0.09030804 USD and 0.00572633 USD.

Chainlink is the second currency to achieve over 2x in June. With an open of 1,02199515 USD, it closed the month at 3,39505418 USD and had a low of 0,85028843 USD and high of 5,82409447 USD.

Burst gained 169.71% and closed the month at 0,00831050 USD despite starting it with 0,00308129 USD. It reached a high of 0,01174989 USD and dropped as low as 0,00294833 USD.

HyperCash advanced by over 156%, beginning the month at 1,81319756 USD, dropping as low as 1,47210661 USD and finishing it at 4,65653327 USD, significantly below its monthly high of 7,55413362 USD.

Ignis has shown similar results opening the month at 0,02660148 USD and closing it at 0,06673308 USD — 150.86% increase. It also reached a monthly high of 0,08748694 USD and a low of 0,02495754 USD.

BOScoin is the last one this month to gain over 100%. Starting the month at 0,00962989 USD, it gained 118.6% and closed it at 0,02105076 USD, while reaching a monthly high of 0,04392634 USD and a low of 0,00856662 USD.



COR Index

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