Custom Domain on Github Pages Tutorial Using Namecheap

Mohammed Chisti
2 min readAug 20, 2017


This is a quick tutorial for if you already have a Github page and want to change your domain url from to If you haven't already, buy a domain from Namecheap, I recommend it since you usually pay around $1-10 for a year and the UI is beautiful.

Configure Github Pages to use a Custom Domain

First, go to your Github Page repo and click on Settings, then scroll down until you see Custom Domain. In the input box, type the domain name you just bought to set your Github Page too, e.g.

Lets return to the Code tab of your repo, you should now see a new file created, named CNAME.

If you don’t, then create a new file, name it CNAME, type in it, save and push it to your repo.

Configure Namecheap DNS Settings

Lets get your domain to point to your Github Pages server.

Go to Namecheap, click Domain List in the navigation bar, then click manage next to your domain url and then click Advanced DNS.

Now create the following records I have listed from the picture below, except replace with

The Wait game

You’re all set and all you have to do is wait anywhere from 5–30 mins for it work.

Thanks for reading! Please share and recommend to other interested readers!

Check out my portfolio (Hosted on Github Pages and domain bought from Namecheap) :p

