Does your website make your prospects curse? Pro Tip: It should

Daniel Marín
2 min readJan 21, 2016


Please raise your hand and tell me I’m not the only weirdo that, whenever I have a difference of opinion (verbal or in my mind) with someone else, I end up looking up the facts in Google to settle the debate. Yeah, I’m aware that’s an elegant way to call someone a liar, but you can’t deny it puts disputes to rest pretty fast.

My friend Rick and I found our selves in one of those “friendly” disputes about something that in no way adds any value to the well being of society, but there we were being loud and obnoxious in the middle of a local coffee shop.

Rick googled some facts, to prove me wrong, and in the middle of all the semi-angry clicking and clacking, we found ourselves on a website that (by my designer/developer standards) was very well designed. What I didn’t expect was Rick’s (non-designer/non-developer) reaction to the website.

“Holy S#!+ These guys are F#&$@* amazing”, Rick yelled.

“Who? The guys who designed the site?”, I asked eager to see how digital-muggles react to websites in their natural habitat.

“Yeah yeah, they did a nice job, but I meant this company. They must really be at the top of their game to afford a site like this.”

That eye-opening experience taught me two things:

First…Designers don’t get the credit they deserve.

Second… When someone finds your brand’s website, they don’t see a website…they see you.

People don’t see what many businesses try to get away with: A digital brochure.

When people land on your website, they don’t think… “Gee-wiz, these pixels are ugly and cheap, but I know this company will be great once I contact them”. I’m sure your business is amazing once people reach out to you, but sadly that is not necessarily what people think when they see your website.

If you put together a cheap looking website, people will assume your brand is cheap and is not doing so well.

If your website is outdated, people will think you might be out of business or that you don’t pay attention to things that matter…like your customer experience.

When building your website, every word counts. Every image counts. Every color counts. Why? Because each pixel tells your story.

And the story you tell with your website? Might be the only impression people will have of you and will only take them 5 seconds to reach a verdict.

What will people say about you when they land on your site?



“These guys are F#&$@* amazing”?

If you’d like to get the latter…shoot me an email here:



Daniel Marín

Developer at Relevant Magazine. I share what I learn while solving my own coding problems all day.