Dope VS Code extensions for a Javascript developer

Kunal Panchal
3 min readFeb 27, 2018


According to Octoverse 2017, Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code tops the list of Projects with the most contributors. Which implies that there are a lot many developers who absofreakinlutely love VS Code.
Here I have a list of extensions which might not make you a better developer, but for sure would make you feel like one!

A nifty little command would get me the list of VS code extensions I already have installed

A wise man once said : GIFs and JPEGs speak louder than words

NPM Intellisense

Git Lens

NPM Scripts

Code Runner

Trailing white spaces

Image by niichie

Auto import

Code spell checker

Console utils

Javascript Snippets

Project manager

Comment labels

Better comments

A few more, particularly for ng fans :

Other worthy mentions which either couldn’t make it to the top 12s or were too obvious : gitlink, esLint, chrome-debug, yarn, Bracket pair Colorizer.



Kunal Panchal

Yet another tech-savvy developer and an awesome person. Building open source utilities and crafting tech solutions for crazy problems.