FEAR is a *****!

Gloria Dogbey
3 min readFeb 2, 2016


According to Stephen Melish “Fear is an idea-crushing, success-stalling inhibitor inflicted only by yourself”. Those were exactly the things I was doing to myself. I crushed all my ideas and my success was stagnant because I was too afraid to take a step; make a move. I robbed myself of the joy of “doing and achieving”- Brain Tracy. Hardly did I know I was going to win the apprenticeship program. I am very capable; I am smart, everything I put my mind to, I do it and I come out successful. I haven’t achieved much because of “fear”. I am not blaming fear, no, I take full responsibility for my decisions and choices.

A week after I completed tertiary, I saw the Ad for the apprenticeship program, I taught “great, it will keep me busy” yet skeptical on applying. I hesitated, it took me three days to finish filling the forms online because I was afraid. (What was I afraid of? FAILURE) I was afraid of failing; when you have many people trusting you can do it, makes you take calculated steps so you do not disappoint them. I received a mail to come and interview for a spot. (I will not bore you with all the sleepless nights and the battle I had to fight with my inner self before the interview). Thanks to my friends and family for encouraging me to go for it. I went through and I got a spot in the first cohort.

At the beginning of the program “the fear” started crippling in but at this point I had to sit up, face them and just do what I had to do. It was an opportunity I wasn’t going to screw up. I focused and took full advantage of the opportunity. At the end of the 5 weeks, I learnt and I achieved. I forever hold the title of the winner of the first apprenticeship by Urithi Media and Impact Hub Accra.

As part of winning the apprenticeship program, I was added to the first cohort for the 3-day British Council Active Citizens programme on Social Entrepreneurship. The 3 days training opened my mind to different aspect of life and business, how to have a social impact while making money, how to pitch an idea and how to get funds. These inspired me on coming up with my own social enterprise.

Why am writing this? I want to inspire you with my story. I want you to let go of your fears. I want you to face them with all you’ve got. Have faith, Just take the step, if you fail you will learn and if you don’t you will achieve.

“Do not let anything stop you from achieving your goals”- Anon

I hope you enjoyed reading.

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