Fenced code tabs in mkdocs material

Meeshkan ML
1 min readApr 23, 2018


Ah, another beautiful spring morning in Helsinki. The birds are singing, the drunks are leaving the bars, and I have given myself 30 minutes to write an appallingly ugly hack to get fenced code tabs working in mkdocs material.

I made this hack because there seem to be several people that really need the feature and yet no one has stepped up to do anything about it. The hack is provisional — I’m sure there are 100s of cleaner ways to do it, but this gets the job done!

First, I grabbed markdown-fenced-code-tabs, which more or less works in several mkdocs themes but fails in mkdocs material.

Scouring the internet for how to fix this, I found a promising lead on this GitHub issue. So the CSS styling works, but when one clicks on the tabs, nothing happens. Digging into the HTML, I realized that all of the aria stuff doesn’t work for reasons beyond my understanding.

Nothing that a quick JavaScript hack can’t fix…

First, in your mkdocs.yml, add:

Then, swallow your pride and include:

And there you go!

Fun times, fun times…



Meeshkan ML

Meeshkan Machine Learning is a machine learning company based in Helsinki, Finland. We’re hiring! https://thehub.fi/jobs/company/meeshkan