Final Week Of the Apprenticeship Program

Gloria Dogbey
2 min readJan 18, 2016


Wow! 5 weeks came sooooo fast, true they say time flies when you are having fun. The program is to educate my 4 other cohort and myself on Social Media, Project Management and Team Work. The program was fun more than I expected. I learnt a lot. Today 18th January, 2016 marks the beginning of the end, (the 5th and final week of the program).

Well, I am happy I joined the program and very grateful for all the knowledge imparted into me, I can say with this experience I can work anywhere I find myself; I’m sad it is almost over.

Who will I miss? I will Miss William the “cool” co-founder of the Hub, Victor :) the tech Guru with the “Crazy-Fun-bubbly personality ”, Papa our “young and smart” coordinator and Our Facilitator Emmanuel “Mr Digital”. I will miss “Lunch with Kawa Moka”. I will miss the arts on the walls of the Hub. I will Emmanuella, Prince, Dinah and Justice my colleagues for the Program.


I will post on my journey for the entire program on Friday. Look out for it.

