Get, Set, Research !

Pratham Nawal
3 min readApr 25, 2019


It hasn’t been long since we’ve started contributing to research projects. From having just heard of the word “Research” around a few months ago to make actual contributions to large impactful projects, we’ve come a long way. From being completely intimidated by understanding a complex research work to almost reading 2–3 new research papers every day now, the way we manage our personal projects and ideas have drastically changed. From being terrified at the idea of approaching people in the academia for help to interacting with amazing like-minded people, We’ve overcome our inhibitions in ways we weren’t even able to understand back then. So, that’s was basically the TL;DR version about how research changed us,for full experience keep on reading. :)

Our association with MIDAS’s research work started when we were working on a deep learning project but we’re clueless about a thing or two. I, Mayank and Yaman got stuck in between, after looking further about who can help us, We came to know about Rajiv sir at IIIT-D. We were intimated by the work he has done in the Multimedia domain & his research experience. We approached him and discussed our problem, not only did he helped us streamline our project ideas but also pushed us further to work for the conference ACM Multimedia’s theme called ‘brave new ideas’. Although at first, it was a bit daunting, Rajiv sir mentored us throughout the project and writing our very first research paper.


So our project dealt with reconstructing speech from silent multiview video feed. As novel the idea it was back then, The computational requirements that involved processing huge video data and deep learning models which couldn’t be completed without any GPUs, MIDAS currently has access to a powerful machine at NUS Singapore and another one at IIIT Delhi. Our work was published in one of the most competitive sections of ACM Multimedia “Brave New Ideas” i.e Only 5 papers got selected form approx 80 papers.

So our work started the day we met Rajiv sir & discussed the idea with him. Working with MIDAS has its own benefits since our domain was focused on multimedia and we got a chance to work with world-class multimedia researchers such as Prof Roger Zimmermann from the National University of Singapore and Prof Satoh from National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan. In only a week we were reading GitHub issues & were trying to solve problems which we never thought we came across. On top of that, we also got a chance to interact with like-minded peers at MIDAS. In research, the problem which you face during the project isn’t a typical type of which you can get a solution by just a few google searches. We slogged on researchgate looking for the solution & also discussed the approach with Rajiv sir. We learned how new ideas are implemented & not just coded to make things work. This further also helped us in future during interviews for internship & placements alike.


So to sum up research at MIDAS is something you will surely take with you for sure & will remain with you forever, the attitude you develop during the research will help you to solve any major problem you might face no matter how arduous it is you will be prepared to tackle it.

From publishing in top-notch conferences such as ACM Multimedia, AAAI, ACL, NAACL to their students bagging prestigious research internships, MIDAS can surely take you heights. MIDAS stands for Multimodal Digital Media Analysis Lab. Our work at MIDAS includes Machine Learning, Multimedia Content Processing, Natural Language Processing, Image Processing, Multimodal Computing, Data Science, Social Media Computing, and the Internet of Things. We believe in multidisciplinary collaborative research and work closely with eminent researchers from National University of Singapore (NUS), National Institute of Informatics (NII), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Bloomberg, Arkana Lab, etc. In case you’re interested to know about it and join MIDAS. You can find openings at or more relevant information at the links given below. Please drop a mail at to join MIDAS.



Thanks For Reading!

