Hacking the Universe

Rob Adamson


Silicon Valley Billionaires have secret plans to live forever.

Imagine a new startup that offers on-sight virtual reality tours. You enter their futuristic building by the Bay and select a destination, a destination in time. You chose Ancient Rome. You buy your ticket, and they provide you with their latest equipment. Next, you find yourself standing by the original Flavian Amphitheatre, in the center of ancient Rome.

Imagine VR Tours has perfected their technology to where you cannot tell the difference between reality and the virtual world. You soon forget that your experience is an illusion.

Now imagine you are living somewhere in the future, say 15,000 years from now. VR Tours has come a long way. They have endless worlds and time periods to explore. There is no required equipment to wear. Your stay is no longer limited to an hour. You are not bound to one planet. Now imagine you have chosen 20th century Earth and your time there will be 90 years. You stroll through a Gateless Barrier, and your new life adventure begins. Is this possible? Definitely.

An astounding new theory that goes beyond String Theory is the Simulation Theory. It is what the Ancient Greeks and Einstein and others have called the Unified Theory of Everything, the holy grail of modern physics. And it is a theory that more and more computer scientists…



Rob Adamson

Programmer, Mtn Biker, Writer & Blogger. Wrote: BASE SciFi Novel, Mediaforge, Instant Replay, Gener/OL, Patents. robadamson.net