How I automated my Twitter account

Riccardo Canella
Published in
4 min readJun 4, 2018


We need to start assuming that I do not like Twitter but I find it very useful to stay updated. I never said I was a coherent person. But I really hate to enter on Twitter to write something constantly (I do not even on Facebook) but this does not mean that my online activity is stopped or that I do not use other platforms. here is why I spent my last evening to understand how to transform my actions on the platforms that I use more in tweets to keep my profile updated (and maybe create interest on what I do). I have found the answer to my needs in IFTTT

What is IFTTT?

Short for “If This, Then That,” IFTTT is an easy way to automate tasks that might otherwise be repetitive or unable to talk to each other, like if i change my profile picture on Facebook change it on Twitter. The users are guided through a process to make simple scripts, called “recipes”, where some type of event in one device or service automatically triggers an action in another. IFTTT is also completely free, and really well supported. There are now more than 300 channels spread across a range of devices and services, including social networks, smart appliances, smart home systems, and devices such as weather stations, audio systems, and wearables.

But how can I use IFTTT to automate my twitter account?



Riccardo Canella

Riccardo Canella @ricanella92 Love #basket, #bike and #HIMYM since my childhood. #Fullstack #Javascript addicted -