My first app at 17 with Flutter

My name is Jack Lillie, and I am an aspiring app developer.

Jack Lillie
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2019


My First App

Last night (10/06/2019) my first app was reviewed and accepted by Apple to be published on the App Store. I was excited, after getting my app rejected three times, I was so happy to see that it finally passed the review. I had to wait 2 weeks for them to reply to my first review request (probably due to bad timing around the week of WWDC) but after the first rejection, which was last night, I fixed the bug and added information to the app store listing, and after a few back and forths with Apple, they accepted and I published my app.

The app is called “Walkiez” and it is a dog walk tracking app. Think of it as Strava or MapMyRun (great apps) but for walking your dog. The idea for this app came because I have two dogs of my own, and I thought to myself, it would be great if I could track my walks… Just kidding, my dad gave me the idea, but now that I think about it, I don’t know how I didn’t come up with it first.

In Walkiez you can track your walks, view your walk history and statistics.

Stats Page
Walk Page
History Page

What’s Next

Since I used Flutter, my app is almost ready for Android, I just need to figure out a way to do background location tracking on Android, I figured out how to do it on iOS myself, but I can’t do it for Android and the only solution I found was a $300 Flutter plugin, which I don’t have the funds for sadly.

I am excited to get your feedback and see people actually making use of my app, I think that’ll be the most rewarding part for me.

Where To Find It

Walkiez is currently only on the iOS App Store, or on the website.
My personal website can be found here

Check here for my personal blog.

Thank you for reading.

