How IMHO Describes My 2 Years in Silicon Valley

Gabriella Schwarz
2 min readJan 27, 2016


My first desk at Flipboard in Palo Alto, California. Taken my first day on the job.

Urban dictionary describes IMHO as “In my humble opinion.” I will ignore the fact that said definition was posted by “latinlover.”

This acronym was introduced to me by my boss Mia when I moved to Silicon Valley from Washington, D.C. nearly two years ago and most accurately describes my experience out West.

I left my job as a political and White House producer at CNN to take a job as the News Editor at Flipboard, a content and news app based in Palo Alto, California. I traded in my pencil skirts, last minute trips to (insert swing state) and beloved blackberries for flat boots (that’s as close as I’d get to TOMS at work), company-wide motivational events and a slew of shiny new Apple products.

I expected the cosmetic adaptations. What I didn’t expect was to find my voice, IMHO. My awareness of the acronym went hand-in-hand with culture shock and a gradual shift in myself.

To me, IMHO means possessing the self confidence to voice your opinion and the sensitivity to do so with the utmost respect. The word “humble” mirrored the culture of my new company. The players voiced their opinions humbly, listened from a place of openness and acted with respect. Therefore, I was and am imbued with the confidence to speak up, armed with the surprisingly powerful IMHO caveat.

Perhaps true confidence needs no precursor. But perhaps this precursor was the armor I needed to march into tech battle.

Me (6th from L) w/ the team at Flipboard, including Mia (far L) & my brother Julian (4th from L), who visited our offices and played a cello concert.

Golda Meir said “trust yourself.” My boss Mia told me to “trust my gut.” And the ultimate fictional sage Olivia Pope, yes that Olivia Pope, said “My gut tells me everything I need to know.”

My time in the Valley and under my wise leader taught me the confidence I didn’t even know I didn’t have. IMHO, I learned to trust my gut.

With that, I begin this Medium account.


Flipboard: @gabyschwarz

Twitter: @gabyaschwarz



Gabriella Schwarz

News @Facebook. Fmr Global Head of Content @Flipboard, ’19 Nieman Foundation Fellow, @CNN-er/White House producer. Recovering violinist. Cold weather lover.