How one Book changed my view about Writing Online

Brian Christner
4 min readAug 21, 2023


I absolutely love writing. Writing online allows me to empty all my thoughts about tech, sports, casinos, or whatever topic is rattling inside my head. Writing is an essential skill that I have developed over time. However, I’ve been silent about my writing for several reasons for the last couple of years.

After the break and catching up on everything that needed to be done, I wanted to get back to writing. This time I wanted more structure in my writing. Luckily, one day I was doom-scrolling Twitter or X as we call it now, which is still weird to me.

I was fortunate to come across the book list of someone I enjoy following. Ali Abdaal as he is a doctor-turner entrepreneur with an excellent knack for productivity. Recently, Ali created the ultimate reading list for 2023. One of the books Ali recommended is The Art and Business of Online Writing. Ali’s Tweet changed my writing trajectory!

About the Author Nicolas Cole

It’s intriguing to learn how Nicolas Cole got started. Not your typical path, that’s for sure. Nicolas began as one of the world’s best World of Warcraft players. He mused online and wrote about all things World of Warcraft, which became one of the top gamer blogs before blogs were even cool.

Nicolas kept propelling forward after attending university. During his first internship, he started writing one question daily on Quora. His venture into writing Quora answers led to him being one of the most successful authors on Quora, which opened all sorts of new doors.

The journey didn’t stop there. Instead, Nicolas started writing for Inc Magazine, Huffington Post, Fortune, Business Insider, and many more. Finally, after learning all the ins and outs of writing online, he built his own Ghostwriter agency, which provides content for Fortune 500 CEOs, Grammy winners, sports stars, and so much more.

Learning that Nicolas is not just writing a book about something he doesn’t know or selling a concept he has never done. Instead, he speaks from experience of having over 500+ Million views of his content, founded three companies, and wrote six books. So, does Nicolas pass the vibe check? Absolutely!

How I started with online writing

I’ve been blogging online since about 2003–2004. I was first introduced to blogging by a friend who was crafty with her words and was able to write such inspiring articles. She told me that she was blogging and making money from her blog. People (mostly men) would send her gifts via Amazon, which inspired me to think that online writing can connect with a larger audience than I could ever imagine.

I’ve written about 400–500 blog articles through various platforms, from Blogger, WordPress, GitHub, co-authored books, and more. The majority of my writing was on my motorcycle magazine Unfortunately, I sold the website, and the new owner completely destroyed the website and lost all the data.

I repurchased the domain from him for next to nothing. I have kept the domain ever since as a souvenir as I transitioned from writing about motorcycles to tech using this blog and GitHub for writing documentation. Over the years, my writing style improved, but I needed to understand copywriting or proper writing styling.

How the Art and Business of Online Writing book changed me

With the recommendation of the Art and Business of Online Writing book, I took a step toward improving my writing for the first time since I started.

The book was a breath of fresh air learning about the journey of becoming an online writer with ample examples, idea generation, and structure ideas. Nicolas covers the basics of creative writing and transcends the topics with creativity that inspires you to read on.

Based on the guidelines covered in the book, I plan on learning more about copywriting and working on my styling. Additionally, Nicolas spends most of the time going through Headline ideation which I never considered before and now included in my blogging process. I always wrote a quick headline and never put much thought or process into it. Below is the Headline cheatsheet by Nicolas Cole.

The book was and still is an eye-opener for me. I will need to re-read the reader to grasp all the concepts and structure ideas he proposes fully. The book The Art and Business of Online Writing is an absolute must-read to improve your writing and add more creative processes to your online writing.

I’ve changed since reading this book. The book has rekindled my desire and motivation to write online with a new outlook.

Stop reading and start online writing today!

You can find the book here

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Brian Christner

Chief Online Gaming 🎰, founder of @thebyteio , Docker Captain, first mover, tinkerer at & MTB crasher.