Save Your eyes! How to Install Flux on Ubuntu

Benjamin N. Spak
Published in
May 27, 2019

Originally Published on my Blog

Trust me, you want Flux. Your eyes & sleep quality will thank you.

If you need to manually start the applet just type ‘fluxgui’ in terminal.

Resource: Flux Repo

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nathan-renniewaldock/flux
sudo apt-get update
sudo snap install fluxgui --edge

Resource: Create a Cron Task in Ubuntu

Check if cron is installed:

dpkg -l cron

Install cron (if needed)

sudo apt-get install cron

Verify cron is running.

systemctl status cron

Create a new cron job.

crontab -e

Select your terminal editor of choice.

Resource: Crontab Generator

Use the Crontab Generator to select when you want fluxgui to run.
FYI: ‘Command To Execute’ field on Crontab Generator is `fluxgui`

Verify cron job was created.

crontab -l

Winning! You’re good to go.

